The fall

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???? P. O. V

I ran as fast as I could to Mt. Ebbot.... I wonder if I'll be the first human to come back from the mountain.

As I ran I tripped on a branch and the next thing I knew I was in a dark cave.

"Help?!? Is anyone there?!?" No response. I stood up adjusting my mask, walking down a long corridor. At the end there was a door when I walked in a saw a small, yellow flower.
"Howdy! I'm Flowey ...Flowey the flower"
I walked a bit closer...
"You must be new around here. Who better to teach you about the Underground than me?!"
I sat down pretty interested in what a flower was doing down here
"Down here we share LV. What's LV you ask? Well LOVE of course!! Here have some"
Every thing flashed and the next thing I knew I was in a fight.
Soon small pellets formed a line
"We share LOVE with little white....Friendliness pellets try to get as many as you can!!"
Causally I walked into the pellets... I felt my HP drop to 1
" YoU IdIoT!!!! DoWN Here ItS KILL OR BE KILLED!!!"
He laughed evilly but then a fireball hit him and he disappeared..
"Hello small one I am Toriel caretaker of the ruins I come here every day looking to see if a human has fallen down."
Unable to talk I thought "you...are now my goat mom"

A/N: hey guys this is a new story hat I'm working on I would like if you commented things to talk to my little person... becasue this is an INTERACTIVE story meaning you may interact with da characters...btw the character who you just saw fall down into the underground is called "Angilina" (I know I spelt things wrong... it was on purpose) that is her name not 'Angelina' it's ANGILINA alright
See ya in the next one!!!!~~💙

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