What is This!?

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Hey guys!

If you read the description Of  the book, you know that this is going to be an OC book!

Here's the problem...

I'm still clueless on what this is gonna be!

Okay, here's what I'm gonna do. In this chapter, I'll give you a fact file on my four mains/OC's.

On this chapter, you can leave questions that you wanna ask them!

I'm the next chapter (WHICH will be out in two days time) will be the four answering your questions!

Let's get to the FACT FILES

Disclaimer, I don't have images for them YET, give me some time to get them a look. For now, I'll describe their looks!

OC #1

Name: Mystique
Nickname: Mysti
Age: 19
Looks: Ginger Hair, Green eyes, Tall & Thin, Pale skin
Likes: Being ALONE, Violence
Dislikes: Social interactment
Personality: Shy, Isolated, kind and funny when you get to know her, Mysterious, protective of friends and family
Gender: Female
Relationship: None
Crush: ...
Enemy: Katheryn

OC #2

Name: Nathaniel
Nickname: Nate
Age: 19
Looks: Brown hair, Brown eyes, tall and thin, tanned skin
Likes: Technology, Isolation
Dislikes: Violence
Personality: Funny, Kind, Friendly, Smart, Over protective of friends, Extrovert.
Gender: Male
Relationship: None
Crush: Mystique
Enemy: Alex

OC #3

Name: Katheryn
Nickname: Kath
Age: 18
Looks: Blonde hair, Blue eyes, Small And Thin, Peachy Skin
Likes: Make-up, Fashion
Dislikes: Bullies, Haters
Personality: Girly, Bossy, Wierd, Vane, two faced
Gender: Female
Relationship: None
Crush: Nathaniel
Enemy: Mystique

OC #4

Name: Alexander
Nickname: Alex
Age: 19
Looks: Black hair, green eyes, Tall And Thin, Pale Skin
Likes: Sports
Dislikes: Laziness
Personality: Sporty, Flirty, Funny, Wierd, Motivational,
Gender: Male
Relationship: Nope
Crush: Mystique
Enemy: Nathaniel

There! All four of my OC's! If you want to be included in this book, give the the information above about you OC and I'll include you when the RP/Whatever starts! Also if anyone can think of a title for this book, please inform me and I'll confided the name! Also any art for the OCS is highly appreciated and I'll make sure to give credit to the account who done the art! That's all from me and I'll see you all later, Bye!

(Don't forget to leave questions for the OC's!)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2018 ⏰

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