Part 5

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Weeks later....

Hermione's pov

We just got to hogsmeade and I'm trying to understand why Harry hasn't even wondered who the book belongs to, he hasn't even looked into it.

"You've had this book for weeks and you don't even want to know who the half blood prince is?" I asked him, he just shakes his head as we walked towards the three broomsticks

"I was curious so I went to the library and found nothing" I tell them ignoring the looks i know their both giving me once i mentioned the library

"That settles that. Now let's go get some buttebeer and avoid talking about the book" Harry tells me

Harry's pov

We walked into the three brooksticks, and when i looked around i see Professor Slughorn. I walked in and took a seat at one of the tables.

"Hermione take a seat next to me" I tell her, she instantly sits next to me leaving Ron on the other side

"Anything to drink?" The waiter asks us, but all I noticed is Draco walking into one of the rooms upstairs

I had the urge to follow him but I knew how that would look. I didn't want to end up with a bloody nose again. Meanwhile Hermione ordered us all some butterbeer.

I then noticed Ginny and Dean sitting over in the booth across the room snogging. I tapped Hermione's shoulder so she will notice as well. Ron doesn't like the fact Ginny is dating Dean, so we usually avoid bringing it up in front of him.

"Just make sure he doesn't see them" Hermione whispers to me

"What are you two whispering about?" Ron asks us

"Nothing" We both said at the same time, I saw a smile appear on her face as the red began to show on her cheeks.

Just then 3 butterbeers are placed on the table. Hermione instantly begins drinking hers, she must have been very thirsty. Once she is finished I see a small white mustache appear just above her lip.

"You have some foam just above you lip" I whispered in her ear, i quickly handed her a napkin just before she wipes it off

I couldn't help laughing a little as she turns her head away from mine, probably a little embarrassed.

"Mione never turn your face away from me. You look beautiful" I whisper, did i really just call her beautiful?


"Harry! professer Slughorn" Ron says bringing my attention to him

I got up and walked over to him. He began talking to me about some party called slug club that he invites some of his students to. As he is speaking I noticed he is a bit ditzy, he must have had a lot of firewhiskey.

"You can bring Granger as well. I would love to have you both. I'll send my owl" he says before heading back to the bar

I took my seat back next to Hermione, and Ron began asking me all of these questions.

"Slug club? How come I wasn't invited?" Ron asks, he sounds a little offended

"How should I know"

I see Hermione lay her head down on the table. Clearly butterbeer doesn't sit with her well. I grabbed her waist and lifted her out of the chair.

We all walked out of the three broomsticks and begun heading back to Hogwarts. As the snow started to fall I felt Hermione lean on me. I noticed she is spinning and slurring her words a bit, she must of had too much butterbeer. Butterbeer doesn't usually effect someone this much, unless you had a lot. I moved my arms around her waist to make sure she didn't fall. As we're walking I heard the sound of a scream.


We ran over to see a girl laying on the snow, she had a blank expession on her face and wasn't moving. Next thing I knew she flies up into the air and just floats there eventually falling back to the ground.

"Get back!" I heard Hagrid yell to us

He walked over and picks up the girl. I noticed on the ground a back and green necklace. Why would a necklace make her act like this? We soon get sent back to Hogwarts and we instantly went to see Professor Mcgonagall.


"It's always you three? Why is it always you three who seem to get involved in stuff like this?" Mcgonagall ask us

"I honestly can't answer that question" I tell her

"I actually have been wondering the same thing" Ron says confused

"Professor? What happened to her? She was flying up off the ground?" Hermione asks as she places her hand on my shoulder probably to help her stand straight, the butterbeer still hasn't gotten out of her system.

"Ms.Granger we have no idea what kind of magic this could be" she says, just then Snape walks in

"We are lucky this didn't kill her" Snape says clearly not noticing us in the room

"She was cursed wasn't she? Some sort of dark magic. The necklace must have been potioned, that has to be the only explanation" Hermione explains, even tipsy off butter beer, She seems to make sense

I tried to tell Snape that Malfoy was probably behind this, but of course he didn't believe me. I saw him go upstairs of the three broomsticks acting sketchy as usual. They dismissed my thoughts instantly, Snape even called me the chosen I chose to be the chosen one.

After talking with them Hermione, Ron and I are sent to the common room. When I got to my room it was nearly time for bed. As I laid down Ron began talking to me about Ginny and Dean.

"Why would she like Dean? And who would like Ginny?"

"I don't know she's smart, funny, and pretty" I didn't really have any feelings for Ginny anymore, but what I said was true.

I think the same things about Hermione....except she is more beautiful and smart. I could never tell Ron any of that.

The next morning....

Same as a few weeks ago I walked down to the common room to see Hermione's head stuck in a book.

"Hey. Mind if I sit with you?" I ask her

"Not at all" She says tiredly

"So how are you feeling? I know you had quite the headache yesterday" I ask taking a seat next to her

"I'm fine. Maybe next time I won't drink so much butterbeer, but i had you to lean on so that was good"

"It was quite intresting to see the great Hermione Granger kind of loopy. You were spinning and walking strangely. It was quite funny"

"Gee thanks"

"Yeah. So want to head to breakfast?" I ask her

"No. I just want to lay here. Will you be my pillow?" She asks moving her head on my shoulder

"I will always be your pillow"

We laid there for awhile in peaceful silence until we had to head to class. We missed breakfast but it was worth it.

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