Part 1

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Of all places Dumbledore had to leave me, he chose the pond outside their house. I brushed off the water and began to walk towards the weasleys house. I noticed the lights were still on despite it being so late.

Weasleys house...

Hermione's pov

I have been staying here for a few weeks. My parents almost didn't let me due to what happened last year and what has been going on in Britain, but I convinced them. I'm sitting in the living room finishing my book when I heard sounds coming from the kitchen. I placed my book down on the table and walked in the kitchen only to see a owl? Not just any owl...Hedwig? Why would Hedwig be here unless....

"Ron! When did Harry get here?" I ran to the stairs and yelled up to him

"Did you say Harry?" Molly asks peaking over the banister

"I think I would know if my best friend was here" Ron says rudely, i rolled my eyes ignoring his obvious attitude.

"Well his stuff is in the kitchen" I tell him

"Yes it is" I heard a voice call

I ran back in the kitchen to see Harry walk into the house. I ran to him wrapping my arms around his neck. He hugged me back lifting me up, eventually he put me back down. I realize he is soaking wet, but I didn't care.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I asked excitedly

"I didn't know. Dumbledore just dropped me off here" He tells me

"In the water?" I ask, he just nods

"Harry. How are you dear?" Molly asks walking in with Ron


"Well you can stay up in Ron's room. Now get to bed all of you it's late" She says before walking back up the stairs

Everyone began to exit the kitchen leaving just Harry and I.

"So I'm going to change and get to sleep. I will catch you tomorrow mione" He says taking his trunk and walking upstairs.

My eyes followed his every move as he walked farther and farther away from me.

This summer I have been spending a lot of time thinking about Ron, and I have developed and little crush on him. I don't know how?

But for some reason when I saw Harry the feeling started to suppress. Ron is just kinda cute and all but Harry is so....perfect. I know i shouldn't fall for either of my best friends, but i couldn't help it. I quickly dismissed my thoughts of both of them and went back to the living room to finish my book. Awhile later i laid down on the couch and felt my eyes starting to close. I might as well sleep here.

A couple hours later....

Harry's pov

I was really thirsty so I decided to head downstairs for a drink of water.

When I walked downstairs i saw Hermione asleep on the couch, she looked so innocent and beautiful. I know it was a mistake to fall for her knowing she fancies Ron, but i have....and I fell hard. I walked over, grabbed a blanket and placed it over her since she looked rather cold. I quietly walked into the kitchen and grabbed some water before heading back upstairs to sleep.

The next morning....

I got woken up by the shaking of my shoulders. I looked up to see Ron standing by me.

"Harry get up were going to Fred and George's joke shop!" Ron says excitedly

I brushed off my tiredness and got dressed. I went downstairs to see everyone sitting at the breakfast table. Molly as usual filled the whole table with food, I could never go hungry here. I took a seat and began eating. I couldn't help taking a few glances at Hermione who is currently sitting across from me. I noticed she is wearing her hair up in a bun today, she looked breathtaking. I see her cheeks turn red as our eyes connected.

"Come on let's go" Ginny says pulling Hermione's arm as we all got ready to leave

Hermione's pov

Fred and George's joke shop is absolutely fascinating. They have everything from darkness powder to love potions. It's wonderful.

"Hermione maybe you can use one of these on Ron or maybe....Harry" Ginny teases tossing me a bottle love potion

"You're hilarious"

"Hey mione what do you got there?" Harry asks making me turn around

"Just a love potion....I wasn't going to buy it or anything, i was just looking at it. I think it's rather pretty and I just...." I held out the bottle to him

"Why has a love potion got your attention?"

"Well it has got my attention because well it's nice, but I don't want it. I would never use it....I mean i could if i wanted doesn't mean anything....I was just looking....i would never make someone love me" I told him stuttering my words

Why do i have to be this nervous idiot around him. I'm never like this with Ron. I glanced over at Ginny who looks like she is laughing at me.

"You're cute when you're nervous" Harry says laughing slightly, making my heart nearly stop.


"You don't need something like this Hermione. I mean who couldn't love you" I'm surprised, i never thought he would ever say something like that

"Looking at love potions are you?" Fred asks walking up

"You can have whatever you want Harry, we did buy this place with your money. If you two are so inclined to use a love potion, take it. We'd be more the happy to give it up" George says teasingly

"No thank you. We were just looking and according to Harry I don't need to ever possess such a thing" I said quickly walking back over to Ginny, taking one last glance at Harry.

We continued looking for awhile before walking out. Harry, Ron and I were walking down diagon alley nearing knockturn alley when someone caught our attention.

"Is that malfoy?" Ron asks pointing to nearby shop

He is with a group of rather sketchy looking people. They looked like they didn't want to be followed, but temptation of course got the better of us. We followed them down the alley passing a few people and watched them walk into a building, we couldn't go in there with them.

"The roof" Ron whispers as he ran around to the other side of the building and began climbing up a nearby tree, Harry soon follows.

I tried to climb but I couldn't, I was never much of a climber. Harry stops and notices my struggle so he grabs my hand and pulls me up to him. Since when did he get so strong? He grabs my waist as we peered over the roof trying not to be seen. We looked through the window and I noticed Draco is with some older lady and a group of people, it looks like some ceremony or something.

"What are they doing?" I ask

"I don't know it seems like some initiation or something....we need to go" Harry says nervously

We started to climb down one by one and we jumped to the ground. Harry and Ron landed just fine, I on the other hand couldn't seem to get down. I sat on one of the branches and I looked down, i have always been afraid of heights.

"I know you hate heights but i will catch you" Harry says

I knew i could trust Harry when he said that, i jumped down instantly landing in his arms.

"Thanks" I felt the heat rising to my cheeks as he placed me down

"Yeah" He says before we all ran back to the burrow


I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of my new story. Also I hope you watched the video, I thought it was so sweet. Please vote or comment on how you guys are feeling about the story.

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