A frown spread across the woman's thin lips as she stood there, motionless. The other agents began shaking furiously as they couldn't move. Lights flickered throughout the hallway, revealing the dark color of blood dripping from their eyes.

The sound of bones cracking filled the corridor as every single agent hunting them suddenly collapsed, dead. It didn't take long for El to join them, falling to the ground.

"El," Mike gasped, kneeling down beside her. He placed his hands on her side, vigorously shaking her. "El, are you okay?"

"El!" The Wheeler boy raised his voice, not moving his eyes away from the girl. "Something's wrong," he looked up at the other two boys.

"She's just drained," Dustin wheezed, continuing to gaze sullenly at the sleeping girl in his arms. Every cell in his body ached for her to just wake up and be okay.

"No, no no, she won't wake up," Mike began aggressively pulling at the girl, trying to wake her up. "El, El, El!"

"We don't have time for this, Mike," Dustin begged, his voice cracking as he paced slightly. Jasper's hair cascaded down from his arms like a red waterfall. He had tried his best to use his jacket sleeve to wipe the blood off her milky white face. "Jasper and El are both hurt. We need to get them somewhere safe."

"She's barely breathing," Mike fussed, his hands still on the girl's arm.

"We gotta go," Lucas snapped, sharing the same urgency Dustin had.

"Leave her," a low, unfriendly voice demanded. Dr. Brenner appeared at the end of the dark hallway, a sinister look on his face. Agents followed behind him, the sounds of their guns clicking alarmed all three of the boys. "Put Jasper on the ground, and step away from both of the girls."

"No," Mike shook his head, getting back to his feet. "You want them, you have to kill us first."

"You're not gonna lay a damn one of your wrinkled fingers on her, you deformed walrus!" Dustin shouted angrily, tightening his hold on Jasper. "I'll kill you before you can even try!"

Dr. Brenner let out a small, ugly laugh. "It's quite adorable how much you care for her," the man placed his hands behind his back. "Despite everything that she is. I will have Eleven back and the daughter of One as promised."

The boys were slightly confused at his words, but it didn't stop them from glowering at the man. "Eat shit!" Lucas screeched, waving his arms in fury.

Dustin let out a pained cry as two bulky arms wrapped around him, another pair peeling Jasper out of his arms. "No! No!" He began jumping and kicking his legs in the air as the soldier carried Jasper towards Dr. Brenner. "Let her go you son of a bitch! Let her go!" Hot tears streamed down his chubby cheeks as he watched his best friend get taken from him.

Mike and Lucas wrestled against the restraining arms of the soldiers, continuing to shout profanities at them. The soldier holding Jasper calmly continued to do so as Brenner kneeled down next to Eleven, holding her face in the cup of his hands.

"Eleven? Eleven, can you hear me?" He breathed, shaking her face. "Eleven?"

"Papa?" She murmured weakly, her voice drowning in confusion.

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