
She could see the gates of Duskhaven just ahead. Rosarie leaned in, spurring Soot's sides again with the pointy tips of her heels. The horse whinnied and sped up. She was so close...

A ferocious snarl erupted from the brush to her left. The girl screamed, startled, as a large shape burst out and lunged for her leg, managing to latch onto it for just a moment. The few seconds that it held on were enough to rip her dress, puncture the trousers, along with the skin underneath.

The pain was nearly unbearable. Rosarie felt blood trickling from the wound and down her leg. Soot was running wildly. The surrounding noise was muffled by the vertigo that now took hold of her. The rhythmic clop, clop, clop of the horse's hooves was like a heartbeat. It was almost hypnotic. Tightening her grip on the reins, she felt her mind slow down, black pressing on the edges of her vision. Almost...there...


The town was no different than Stormglen, all up on its feet, except that the citizens were significantly calmer. Guards bearing firearms and other weaponry paraded through Duskhaven, along the large wagon-cages that were being drawn in. Inside, furry heaps sat huddled in the corners, emitting menacing growls.

The gate burst open and a crazed horse raced in, carrying a barely-holding-on heap of leather and cloth. One of the guards raced over to Soot, dropping his weapons and raising his hands in the air, trying to steady the horse. He gripped its reins and patted its neck, while looking over the woman doubled over atop its back.

Two more guards raced over to him. "Thomas, what's the- Light, what's happened to her?" The black haired man gasped, reaching for Rosarie and hoisting her up onto his shoulder. "I'll get 'er inside. You get th' horse to th' stables." He called, hurrying into the nearest house.

"Krennan, treat the lady, she jus' burst through th' gate, unconscious atop her horse. I think she's wounded." The guard gasped, laying the girl out on the tavern carpet. The alchemist whom he'd addressed, Krennan Aranas, just nodded, waving the man away.

His tired expression gave way to mild concern as he noted the torn, bloodied skirt. Glancing at the few people around him, Krennan walked over to kneel beside the girl, moving the torn skirt aside to register the monstrous bite. His face twisted into a scowl. "She was bitten," he said quietly. "It is only a matter of time before she transforms. We need to get 'er to where the others are, immediately."

He looked over his shoulder at the tall, muscular shape of a worgen in casual Gilnean attire. Unlike the ferals, he had a sane, kind spark in his eyes and was neatly groomed. "Jack, mind bringing her over there? I can't exactly treat her here. I need to wait until she transforms to give her the antidote. Let the guards handle her once you're there. I am afraid we have no choice." The alchemist muttered, stepping aside to let the worgen through.

Jack glanced down at the girl, scooping her up with surprising gentleness, his graying lupine features grim. Without a word, he carried her out into the rain and made his way down to the walled-off part of Duskhaven. The townsfolk moved aside, watching them curiously. Guards stood atop the walls, muskets ready and pointing down into the camp. Growls and whimpers were heard from within.

He stopped at the gate. "This lass was bitten. Hasn't turned yet. Aranas suggested I bring 'er 'ere 'till she does, so he could give 'er the antidote." He growled to the guard on duty.

The man shrunk away from the tradesman, nodding. "I-I'll call a pair to take her in. Wait a moment," he muttered, peeking through the slits in the gate. "We got another one over here! Mark, Joseph, come take 'er in." He yelled.

The gate opened and two men walked out, their expressions grim as they took Rosarie from Jack's arms, carrying her away. The gate swung closed, cutting off his view. The aging worgen muttered a silent prayer for her and turned away, quickly swallowed by the crowd.


Mark and Joseph carried Rosarie in, their hold much less gentle as they tossed her into one of the dripping iron cages. The door swung closed with a loud bang.

The small, soaking shape jerked. The girl's eyes had opened. Through the tangled black mess of her hair, they glittered wildly, emitting a faint blue glow. She let out a low, inhuman growl, her nails scratching against the floor. She hoisted herself up, crouching on her knees. Her small shape had begun to convulse. Rosarie's head snapped up and she curled her lips, her white fangs gleaming behind her matted, wet hair.

One of the guards glanced at the others, calling them over, "Hey! She's turnin', she's turnin'! Aranas was right; she was bitten by one of 'em mongrels! I thought the old man was overreactin' to a bear bite or somethin'." He watched as his comrades rushed over, weapons at the ready. "We gotta take 'er out once she's finished." He instructed.

A veiny, clawed hand shot out and grabbed the iron bars with a loud bang, making the men step back.

"Oh, feisty, ain't she?" One of them laughed.

The remark was met by a furious snarl from Rosarie. One of her hands was gripping her head. Her body was growing in size, her dress ripping at the seams. Ears stretched out, became pointy. Her beautiful, young visage contorted into that resembling a wolf's, with a long, fanged muzzle and slanted, glowering lupine eyes. Coal black fur sprouted over her body and her feet stretched into clawed paws. Her mane remained thick and long, the same color as the rest of her fur. Once finished transforming, she began pacing her cage on all fours. Back and forth, back and forth. Muffled growls and whines escaped her. She reared up and let out a long, bloodcurdling howl.

Her head and nose were flooded by all kinds of new sounds and scents. The rusty iron smell of her cage, of her own wet fur, the damp soil, the grass and trees surrounding the area, the men yelling, other worgen huddled and growling in their cages, the caw of the ravens circling above. The pitter patter of the rain. The scent of the men was strangely alluring...In a mouth-watering kind of way.

Suddenly, the cage door swung open and rough hands seized her by the ankles, dragging her out. She thrashed in the guards' grasp, yowling and snarling like a wild animal, trying to flip onto her back. Her claws sank into the soft earth. She heard more yells and felt a thump to the back of her head. Her vision went black.

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