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Niall and Zayn are both 25. And have been married for 3 years before they decide to bring kids into their life.

Harry who is 6

Liam who is 5

Louis who is 3

Reyna who is 3

Harry and Reyna are full blood siblings and after their parents were killed in an accident they were put into the orphanage.

Liam was a mistake. His parents didn't want him both being just teenagers decided to put him into an orphanage.

Louis is the youngest of them all. His mom died while giving birth to him and his dad blamed him for it all. After social services found out his father would beat him. He was taken from the home and put into an orphanage.

Now when Zayn and Niall meet these mix of kids. They have no idea what they are in for. But sooner or later they will get the hang of it. Right?

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