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Hayley POV:

Derek has been away for about a month now, and I've adjusted. Does it get lonely sleeping in a King sized bed by myself? Yeah, definitely. And it also doesn't help when the kids are always asking when daddy's coming home.

We were just hanging out one day, when I realized that Steven wasn't feeling too good, nor was he acting like himself. I took his temperature and I was notified that it was at 103°.

I quickly called up Lindsay as means of a safety net, and she said to take him to the hospital, or a doctor or something.

Wow, great advice, Linds.

I followed it anyways, and forty five minutes later, Steven was still burning up, but sleeping on my chest as we waited in the waiting room, and Brinley was dropped off at Lindsay and Sam's.

I contemplated calling Derek a couple of times. But no, he's on tour, let him focus on that.

We were soon called back, and they alerted me that Steven's blood pressure was very high, and his fever was borderlining a dangerous temperature. They said they had to keep him overnight just in case.

I nodded and pulled my phone out from my pocket, going back and forth for if I should talk to Derek.

But again, no, he's working. Let him do that.

Derek and Hayley: A Year in the MakingWhere stories live. Discover now