ᏟhᎪᏢᏆᎬᏒ ᏆᎳᎾ-Rain Storm

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    Frozen, that's how I felt as I heard the bell that hung over the wooden door ring. A sound that usually brought me joy. Now it sounded like the church bells that you would hear ringing at a funeral.
      I watched as the door crept open inch by once and a black figured filled the space. He had on a black suit that was tailored perfectly to fit him. His deep chocolate hair was neatly combed. Not a hair out of place. His face was cleanly shaven . He looked pure and almost untouched like he himself was frozen. Polished as newly harden ice.
    I stared as my heart began to pound faster and faster. I was sure at any minute it would come crashing out of my chest like a wave against a rocky shore. Dread gripped my body. I felt it in my toes as this stranger started to raise his eyes to mine. The fear spread to my stomach as his eyes left the ground and started scanning the room. And finally to my mind as his eyes met mine.
      Lost was all I felt. I felt like I was floating and drowning all at once. I had forgotten gravity as it no longer clung to me. I had entered a space all my own in those eyes. In those eyes the sea was calm and raging all at once.
      After what felt like a decade he blinked and I was back on the shore. He smiled and his teeth out shined pearls. He took a step toward me and suddenly I felt it. He was the new thing that was coming my way. But what I didn't know was if he was friend from foe.
      I then did what any logical person would do. I ran. I took off through the kitchen and out the back door. I was now in an ally way I didn't know very well. The only times I'd ever go out there was to take out the trash. But at the moment the alleyway was giving me hope. If I could just keep running, keep pushing, I'd be able to get away.
      Suddenly water lifted me off the ground. I felt out of control of my body as my end sunk below the rushing washer. I felt my body being pulled roughly by the water until it suddenly stopped. I was thrown on the ground of the alleyway and coughed vigorously trying to get my lungs to work. Finally after catching my breath I looked up.
     The man I'd been running from stood in front of me. A sickly sweet smile across his face.
      "Hello Darling"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2018 ⏰

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