A F.A.I.R.I.E.S. Goddaughter

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Ellanoria was a perfect child. She was proper and well behaved all the time. When she reached the age of 12, she requested that her father call her Ella instead of Ellanoria. Her father obliged and everything was normal. When Ella turned 14, her father began courting a lady. (Ella's mother had died when she was very young.) When Ella was 15, her father married the woman. The woman and her two daughters moved in with Ella and her father. They were terrible, bossing around the servants and acting like they owned the place.

About a month after the wedding, Ella's father died. The stepmother and stepsisters dismissed the servants and gave all of their duties to Ella. This went on for a year, until Ella decided she had had enough. Ella began researching at night and the night before she left, she found her father's will. It stated that Ella was to receive the estate, everything in the estate, all of the servants, so on and so forth. It then stated that Ella had to give enough of the wealth to her stepfamily so that they could live a moderately comfortable life, but that they did not have to remain on the estate. It then stated that Ella's godmother was to come and live with here.

Instead of just running, Ella runs to find her godmother. It turns out that her godmother is part of F.A.I.R.I.E.S. Ella is taken under her godmother's wing and trained to be part of F.A.I.R.I.E.S. too.

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