HeartlovesMC's Dares

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Im bored now, so...DARES! Dare 1:have a fashion show on the sidewalk

M: Hmm... I feel really bad for our neighbors. First, we record, which is basically yelling at people you can't see. Then, we are going to do this. 

P: Ooh! Can I be the model and you explain what I'm wearing?!?

M: Umm... Okay. Whatever you want, Preston?

P: Here goes nothing! *blasts music and walks onto sidewalk from driveway* Do you like my outfit, Matty?

M: ...Well, here's my attempt on trying to describe what he's wearing. Here comes Preston Arsement wearing sweatpants and-

Neighbor: Can you please shut the fuck up!!


Dare 2:Run around screaming "THE NYAN CAT STOLE MY POP TARTS WHILE IT FARTED ON THE SANDWICH" while wearing these *hands them unicorn onesie* (Dont ask, my brain is really weird I bid you farewell my friend

P: Since Mat didn't dress up, he's going to be the one running around.

M: We never agreed to this. And all you had on was a track suit!


M: Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine *changes* This time I won't stand in so close to our neighbors' house. *running around the house* THE NYAN CAT STOLE MY POP TARTS WHILE I FARTED ON THE SANDWICH! THE NYAN CAT STOPE MY-!!!!

Neighbor: *sticks head out window* DON'T YOU GUYS EVER SHUT UP?!?!

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