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In the morning at ten two friends were waiting for their friend to arrive so they three, the team 10 can start their training for today.

The two waiting friends were the girl, Ino Yamanaka and her childhood friend Chouji Akimichi. They both have waiting for their lazy friend Shikamaru to make an appearance and that's what was making the girl edgy.

"Stop tapping your feet Ino." Chouji said scratching the back of his head. The female of their team could be very difficult at times like this and he actually feared the girl very much.

"We are waiting for him past thirty minutes Chouji!" Ino said getting angry as she was kept waiting and one thing the blonde haired beauty hated was to keep waiting. "He knows how it makes me feel when i have to wait and still he does this to just rile me up!!" Ino was now making Chouji fear her even more. He was starting to see his mother in her and if anyone Chouji fears the most was his own mother.

"He will be here Ino." Chouji said to somehow calm his blue eyed friend. She whipped her head to him with anger that made Chouji shiver.

"That's it now!" Ino stood up slapping the table they were sitting by. "I am going to go bring him here!" She cracked her knuckles as an evil smile crossed her beautiful face.

"You go and wait for us at training ground and I'll be back in a wind!" And the blonde kunoichi left her friend in the small lunch house.

After the chunin exams the three team-mates have decided to meet at the lunch house so their friend Chouji can eat and after that they can walk to training ground and do some of their warm ups. Ino was very firm on not taking the time lightly even after their sensei has given them a week off to just catch up with friends and relatives.

"I hope that baka is not taking a day off today!" Ino ground out as she was walking to the Nara compound. Upon entering the gates of the compound the twenty one year old kunoichi felt a sudden shiver run down her spine.

Although Ino was a loud mouth and bragged about her friends a lot but, there was this one particular thing that even her best friend Sakura didn't know.

She walked towards the main door to the house of where her team-mate Shikamaru lives. Her heart ran at pounding speed that she was afraid it might be heard till the Hokage tower. 'calm down Ino!' she told herself as she was breathing short breaths as if getting ready to fight an enemy. How can she be normal when she is going to face the person she is having a crush since she was sixteen. Maybe she should just take a U turn and run as if this never happened. But, Chouji, what will she tell him about why cant she get their friend to train with them? Ino you are a horrible person!

Gathering up her courage she thought it just runs away when its him in front of her, she knocked on the door. Ino be strong! She said to herself as she kept her hands in the same position in front of her chest.

It was a cold winter morning and she was wearing her short training shorts and top that left her mid riff open for the cold wind to harass the skin over there. But, Ino was not bothered about the cold, she was praying that Yashino-san will open the door and just spare her from the embarrassment.

But, kami was on her bad side and just when she was about to tap on the door for the second time, the door opened and she met with the pair of onyx eyes that were able to make the knees of enemy go weak just with a glare. The two scars running diagonally on his face made him look more scary. By the look of his attire, he must have been heading out for a mission and that made her heart frown as she couldn't stay and stare him a little longer. Baka!! Stop staring at him!!

Her cheeks started to turn pink with the blush as the man in front of her was inspecting her intention to knock on his door.

"Ino?" His gruff thick voice made her tingle in places she shouldn't even think at such time.

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