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━ HARRY INHALED DEEPLY, AND WITH A QUICK SLIP ON OF HIS RAYBAN SUNGLASSES, STEPPED OUT THE CAR TO JOIN THE BRIGHT RAYS OF WEST COAST, CALIFORNIA. Almost immediately, felt himself at ease. A loud sigh of relief was let out, and he ran a hand through his hair; a laugh escaping his lips;

Relief was something he hadn't felt in a while,

And he was glad to finally have it back―even if it was for a fraction of a second.

But the nonexistence of relief and heavy amounts of stress were mainly due to his celebrity, director-and-writer duo of parents, James and Lily Potter. Because of their career(s), and outgoing personalities, the young boy had been introduced to the spotlight before he could even walk or talk.

But even so, the moment after the tanned, jet-black haired, and green-eyed baby boy was born, for the next ten years, his parents had tried their best to give him as much as a normal life as they could; primary examples of this being when they'd moved off into a more enclosed neighborhood, and gave him the choice of which (private) school he wanted to attend. And of course, he'd chosen the one they'd attended themselves, not due to any encouragement or anything, but he really dreamed of being a fellow student there, and viewed it as his family tradition.

So it goes on that he attended the private school of Hogwarts, and once he left out, he was back in the spotlight; this time, with this two best friends (who, all three put together, formed this little 'Golden Trio') ;

Hermione Granger, a (sometimes bossy but always helpful) beautifully dark-skinned woman with the bushiest of hair with an occasional wild side, is maybe sometimes a bit too blunt, and overall, a kind and hard-working being with immense intelligence filling up her head; a person who's fit to be a friend of anyone.

And Ron(ald) Weasley; a tall and lanky pale, freckled face boy with the ability to make anyone laugh, has occasionally delayed (but hilarious) reactions to things, is sometimes temperamental but also quick-witted and is there to be supportive of what his best mate chooses in life (and ever since day one of school, a brother to Harry); overall a loyal and brave friend.

And besides those, he had;

Ginny Weasley (Ron's younger sister, who's fiery as hell and in short, a total badass who's quick to speak her mind, and will literary fight anyone who crosses her or her friends.)

Luna Lovegood (A sweet, doe-y eye blond with an immense love for nature and creatures, has a big heart and love just about everyone and everything, and is the best-advice giver and hugger Harry has ever known. )

And last but not least;

Neville Longbottom (A jittery boy who's a bit shy, but once you get to know him, he's fun to be around; he has an immense love for plants, and is the human version of a map, he know his way.)

Of course, there were others he'd had but this was his main group; they meant the world to him. They were always there for everything, and Harry couldn't ask for a better group of friends of he tried.

So, when the group had heard of his busy life; they'd decided to clear his schedule of his current occupation; being a model.

Hermione was the one who'd managed to talk some time out for him and his well-needed break; Ginny was the one who'd given him the location of Cali along with great hangouts; Ron was the one who'd give him eateries and the best music stores; Luna was the one who'd recommended petting zoos and animal farms along with places of relaxation; and Neville had given him the directions.

( windows down! ― draco malfoy / harry potter )Where stories live. Discover now