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"Are y'all in the gym to workout or just stare?" Oaklyn snapped when she walked into the gym two mornings later and all eyes were on her. She wanted to get a quick workout in and now that her doctor had cleared her, maybe she could hit the slopes later.

"Look...." Lane started, a few of the other guys putting down what they were doing and circling around.

"I'm sorry, I know you guys are trying to be nice but I really just want to get a workout in and go about my day." Oaklyn felt bad cutting him off, but she didn't want to hear the name that she knew would come out of Lane's mouth. She had spent the last two days trying to get the memory of his kisses by the fire, followed by his sweet breakfast date the next morning, out of her head.

She couldn't, of course. The more she tried to not think about Ender, the more she found herself wanting to run to his room and fling herself into his arms.

"I'm fine," she said, more to herself than to Ender's friends. "I'm fine."

Maybe if she told herself that enough, it would become true. For now, though, she was anything but okay.


"So are you just going to hide out and avoid Oaklyn now?" Ozzie asked Ender later that day. The two had spent some time on the slopes before sitting outside for a late lunch. Ender almost begged off of lunch when he saw they were going to sit by the fire that he and Oaklyn had sat by just a few short days ago, but he was starving and Ozzie was pretty persistent.

"I'm not avoiding her. I'm giving her space. I told you, I knocked on her door again last night and I know she was in there. I heard her on the other side of the door, but she wouldn't answer. I sat outside of her room for hours."

Ozzie gave his friend a look of pity. His friend had it bad, and he and the guys had to help him somehow. They had waited for him to see that Sophia was not right for him and had all secretly celebrated when they broke up. Now she was back and trying to ruin something good.

"We are going to figure this out, okay? We can all vouch for you. If we have to form a parade and make banners....we are going to get her attention."

Ender smiled for the first time since Sophia showed up unexpectedly the other day. It felt good to have his friends behind him, although he wasn't sure how much it would help. "Gracias hermano."

"Look, brother. You do your part and we will do ours." Ender wasn't sure what they had up their sleeves, but he knew he could trust them. Still, he shook his head at the mischievous look on Oz's face.

They finished lunch and Ender decided to go take a nap, while Ozzie wanted to stay and people watch for a little while longer. Not too long after Ender left, Luke and Oaklyn sat down at the table next to him.

"Hey, Ozzie..." Oaklyn said softly and gave a small wave. Ozzie nodded his greeting and went back to people watching. He would let Ender do his part, as he said, but in the meantime, he was going to talk to the other guys. They needed a backup plan in case Oaklyn needed more convincing. A plan began to form in his head when his thoughts were interrupted by a shrill scream.

"What is that?" He asked out loud, looking over to Luke and Oaklyn who both shrugged. The three of them stood and walked to the edge of the patio to where it overlooked the slopes.

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