How You Announce You're Dating

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Mike: They walked in on you guys kissing in the basement, and you told them you were actually dating.

Dustin: He told the group he was in love with you after a week of dating.

Lucas: Erica walked in on you guys cuddling in the living room and told all his friends. (Even though she hates them.)

El: You told the group when El went to the bathroom one day.

Will: Joyce accidentally walked in on you two hugging and talking about how much you care about each other.

Max: Billy told everyone when he saw you two kissing. (Even though he's homophobic and doesn't want his "sister" to be gay.)

Billy: You go on a date and he tells his friends, who spread around that you slept together.

Steve: You start going on dates, and everyone slowly notices.

Johnathan: He takes a photo of you two smiling and your friends posts it on a bulletin board at school.

Nancy: You both send out a post card reading "We're Gay" to your families.

Word Count: 176

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