Secretary (I)

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c. 1985

Hawkins, Indiana

Joyce had always tried her best to provide for her boys, her little family. While holding the same position in a tiny town's local convenience store for a number of years had its perks, the pay never seemed to go up. The hours were getting shorter, the bills were getting higher. But in Hawkins with no college diploma, what else was there to do?

A typical Monday consisted of a phone call up to Indianapolis to Jonathan before sunrise. Joyce knew he dreamed of attending NYU, but it financially wasn't possible. Jonathan always had a good understanding of the Byers' money situation and he was humble with attending any college at all.

"Will, baby, Jonathan's on the phone!" Joyce called down the hallways to Will's bedroom. She had to admit the house felt emptier without Jonathan. He always helped his mother with anything she needed. He cooked breakfast, cleaned the house, drove Will where he needed to be. It was hard to provide for Will without the extra set of hands.

"Mom, how's work going? Are you still getting fair hours?" Jonathan asked worriedly. He knew that she wasn't taking as many hours as she used to since he left. Without Joyce working as much as she previously did, new workers were coming in and snatching up as many hours as they could. Sure it wasn't the ideal situation for a single mother, but it was fair.

"Don't worry about me Jonathan I'm managing just fine. Will!" She yelled again, a bit louder this time. She didn't want to let Jonathan know how short her work days were really getting. In fact, she wasn't even working this particular Monday. "You know your brother, never up before the sun." She smiled to herself. Her boys were growing up too fast; one in college and the other a high school freshman.

"Coming, it's too early." Will mumbled, walking out of his room and shuffling his feet over to the phone. "Morning Jonathan."

"I'm going to make some breakfast while you two talk alright? Ten minutes tops, you won't be late to school this morning, got it?" Joyce asked authoritatively. She was starting to work on being a normal mom again rather than babying Will. As much as she wanted to protect him, he was growing up and needed to leave the events of years past behind him. Will gave her a small thumbs up before laughing at something Jonathan was saying.

After Joyce had dropped Will off at Hawkins High School, she quietly drove back home instead of her routine drive downtown. She sighed as she entered the house, seeing it practically spotless with nothing to do. She hated being home and wasting electricity and water. Her bills were high enough as is. As she sunk into her regular chair at the dining table, she grabbed the mail from the center. Hawkins Light and Energy, Indiana State University, an overdue Hawkins Community Water. She could hardly keep up with the amount of money she owed. Her attention quickly averted from the mail to the window as she saw someone drive in out of the corner of her eye. Hopper rarely came around the Byers' house anymore, so Joyce instinctively rushed to the door. In months past, Jim Hopper would come to see Joyce if anything was wrong. He would tell her before anyone else. They had an unspoken trust between each other, a trust they both cherished.

"Joyce before you panic, I promise nothing's wrong. I just want to talk to you about something." Hopper assured the second he saw her anxiously waiting on the front porch. Joyce nodded and opened her front door to let him in. "So I've been seeing you less and less at Melvalds every time I need to make a quick trip. Everything alright? Is Will doing good?"

"Everything is fine here, but my hours are being cut more and more every week. I'm doing fine Hop, I am. Thank you for your concern but we're fine." Joyce sighed, sitting back at the table.

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