the killing spree suprise

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Jeff's p.o.v✴

   I stood and yawned. 'why the fuck am I yawning? I just woke up!' I heard BEN yelling about someone taking his Zelda mask. I chuckled and grabbed a knife off my wall. "Jeff!!!! where is my mask?" BEN screamed running up the stairs. "In the closet of your room dude!" I yelled back and jumped out the window. 'Jeffrey where are you going?' slendy appeared next to me. "killing." I said and raced to the closest town.

♥Paris' p.o.v

I sat behind a dumpster and cried. I heard footsteps and froze. I took a tiny peek and saw a white tail. "winter?" I whispered hoping she heard me. She lifted her head and looked at me with her tail wagging. 'Hi Paris' she barked. "Hi winter." I responded playing with my locket. Winter laid her head in my lap. My eyes started getting heavy. 'Paris did you take care of all your cuts?' I shook my head and cried silently. "They keep getting dirty." I sobbed. "what do we have here?" a boy with black hair and a cut in smile said. Winter stood in front of me snarling protectively. "eek." I pushed deeper into the shadow. I heard another growl and saw the boy had a dog too. It was a red husky with a humanoid smile. "Winter. Its okay." I whispered. "Smile back off." the boy said. "I'm Jeff." He said softly. "I'm Paris and this is winter." I said holding onto winter's collar.

✴Jeff's p.o.v

The white wolf was standing in front of the girl snarling. "eek." the girl pushed deeper into the shadow. Smile stood in front of me growling at the wolf. "winter. It's okay." she whispered. "Smile back off." I said. She looked terrified. "I'm Jeff." I said softly. "I'm Paris and this is winter." She said holding onto the wolf's collar. Smile stepped closer with his ears back. ' What is he doing?' The white wolf growled softly. "Winter enough!" the Paris girl said. 'I'm sorry Paris i don't want anyone to hurt you again.' My eyes widened if possible. 'can she understand her?' "It's okay they don't look mean." Smile was sitting next to the girl protectively. "How old are you Paris?" I asked.

♥Paris' p.o.v

I petted smile's soft fur. "How old are you Paris?" Jeff asked. "7. I think." I answered. He looked shocked. 'Do you have anywhere to go?' Smile asked softly. Winter whimpered and I shook my head."Come on." Jeff said and held out a hand. I slowly took his hand and started shaking. "You okay?" He asked concerned. I nodded and snapped my fingers. Winter and smile ran next to us. "You'll have to meet the rest of the gang." He said. As we ran in the woods I saw a mansion approaching. I yawned softly. "We'll meet the gang tomorrow lets get you to sleep." Jeff said picking me up. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

✴Jeff's p.o.v

I carried her into the house. Everyone looked at the little girl in my arms. "I'll explain tomorrow when she wakes up." Winter and Smile were right behind me. I carried her up to my room and lied her on the couch. Winter jumped up and curled up next to her. Smile curled up next to the couch. I went downstairs to explain. "So who was that girl?" BEN asked. "Her name is Paris I found her in the alley." I explained. "She's cute in the little sister kind of way." Masky said. "Yes I think she should stay. I'll ask slender." Eyeless jack said. "Ask slender what?" Trender asked. "If we can keep a human girl for sally to play with." I said. "What does she look like?" He questioned. "Really long blonde hair, dark blue eyes, skinny, and really sweet." I smiled. "Aw you sound like a protective older brother."  Splendy joked. "That's cause I am." I said seriously. They all gasped and look at me shocked. "I will protect her with my life." I said. They smiled and nodded. "Now i'm going to sleep." I said and went up the stairs. "Good night Jeff!" Everyone yelled. Before I laid down I made sure Paris was comfortable. "good night Paris, winter, smile." Smile and winter let out a soft bark. Soon i was knocked out.

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