Part 2

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Zoey's POV
I started to walk home. But then I had a feeling that someone was following me so I looked back, I didn't see nothing but a gray car a few meters away from me. I continue my walk but then I started thinking that that car was following me so I changed my route to check if that was real or just my imagination. I went to the road outside the town and the car was still in my back at the same distance so I stopped and faced the fucking car. The car stopped.
- Hey u fucking asshole can u stop following me? - I yelled
I saw the car doors open and then 4 guys geting out of it. I looked closer and I saw the fucking Bowers gang.
- Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck - I said to myself while I was searching a scape
In the two sides of the road there were the woods so I got inside them. I started running because I was so scared. There was a river blocking my way (fuck). I looked back and I saw Belch and Vic running behind me. I hide into the plants so they couldn't see me. They started to search.
- New girl... come on we are not going to hurt you baby - Belch said
Omg. I was so nervous. I backed out a little bit and the plants just cracked so they heard it and they came in my direction.
"Okay Zoey now u are going to punch them on their low parts and scape running, easy" I told myself.
So they were getting closer and closer and when I finally had them in front of me I did what I planned and , suprisingly , it worked.
I scape runing to the road where I stoped so I can go home but once I just stepped on the road someone covered my mouth with his hand and this guy named Patrick tied my hands. I tried to avoid It but they were so strong. Fuck. Seconds later Vic and Belch arrived to where we were. Now the fucking 4 bullies were all there. Wow so cool.
- Hey new kid - Henry said
- Don't call me like that - I said with my roughests ways
He started to laugh.
- Then what's your name? - he asked
- Zoey
- You mean Hoey - laughed Patrick
I looked at him. Wow he was really cute.
- Um look ... I don't want to sound rough but..... Can u get the fuck out of my way and tie my fucking hands off?! - I said
They all looked very angry.
- What have u said little slut? - Henry asked
- What u have just heard. I won't fucking repeat it asshole - I don't know how I was saying all that because truly I was super scared.
They all looked to each other. Patrick approached to me and he grabbed my neck.
- U better calm down bitch
I said yes with my head.
- Good girl - Patrick said - u are so damn hot hoey
He put his thumb under my chin forcing me to raise my head and look into his eyes, his beautiful eyes.
- It's Zoey not hoey - I clarified
- It's whatever we want - Henry said coming at me
- Can u let me fucking leave? - I told them
They laughed.
- Well we can do something - he said
He pulled a knife out of his pocket and put it in front of my face.
- Calm down please - I was starting to get scared
I looked at the other three and they were looking at us with enthusiasm, specially Patrick.
- Why are u doing this? - I asked
Henry laughed.
Patrick caught the knife and took Henry's place.
I looked at him.
- Please don't - I was SCARED
- Oh so now the savage girl is scared? - he said while laughing
I was going to cry.
He lifted my sweatshirt so he could see my stomach. Then he played with knife all over my skin. I started crying. He looked at me.
- Why are u crying? This is funny - he laughed
- You are fucking crazy - I said
That was when Henry hit my face. Wtf. I had never been hit by a boy. NOT EVEN FOR A GIRL. I started to feel bad. My lower lip was bleeding.
There was a strange silence and some tension.
He tried to hit me again but he failed. They start arguing about ho was going to manage the knife.
While they were arguing I started to running away from them. They didn't followed me. I tied off my hands with my teeth. I started crying. Omg what had just happened. I went to home and nobody was there so I could heal my wound without my mom asking what had happened. I took a long shower. My mom and my sister arrived.
- Zoey! - yelled my mom from the lower flat
- Yes mom?
He walked to my room.
- Sweetie how was the day?
- Really good. I made two new friends. - I explained her
We had dinner and then I went to sleep. Fuck this day and fuck those bullies and fuck this town and fuck the entire fucking world.

Why in the world i am always late?! I don't understand it! I walked down stairs to see that my mom wasn't there. Why she didn't wake me up?!
- Saraa!!!! - I yelled - we are so fucking late
- That must be YOU because I'm staying home - she said coming down stairs
- WHAT!? NO - I yelled
- Yes, i am so sick. Mom says i can stay home so.... bye - she went to her bedroom
Fuck her.

I arrived to school. I was literally so scared because the corridor of the school was totally empty (of course, because I was late) and I didn't want to meet with those fucking bullies. I was taking my books off my locker when I heard some boys making sounds and screaming. Please NO.
But of course, Bowers gang appeared at the corridor.
- Uuuuu look who we have here - Henry yelled - you did scape huh?
I looked at him.
- Yes - I said
The office opened and a old women appeared.
- What are u doing?! Go to your classes right now! - she told us
I checked what was my subject at that hour. Maths.
I went to the class and I looked back and saw his tall body. Patrick.
- What are u doing? - I asked him
He licked his lips.
- Come here - he took me for my waist and pulled me a little closer to him.
- What do u want? - I said scared
- I'll be waiting for you after School - he said
That scared me.
- Why?
- Just meet me. If not i'm following u again new kid - he said while he was walking away and smiling
I smiled to myself. What did he want? I got in the class and soon it was the breakfast time. I meet my two friends.
- Girl what happened to your lip? - asked Emma
- umm.... the fucking bullies that happened - I explained
- Don't tell me......
- Yes they saw me leaving the school and they followed me and put a fucking knife on my stomach and then Henry hit me. - I said
- Fuck - they said
- I know. And now the psycho of the team wants to meet me after school - i told them
- Hey girl u can't go, he is going to kill you - Emma was even more scared than me
- I have to go if not it's going to be even worst - I explained
- That's true - Olivia coincided
The day went really well.
Lunch time. We sat together and started to talk about some shit.
- Zoey they are coming - Olivia advised
- Who? - I asked
Before getting any answer the Bowers gang was in front of the table.
They were all looking at me.
- You are a loser Zoey - Henry told me
- You suck Bowers - I fired him back
- What?
- YOU SUCK - I repeated
- I'm gonna hit u again little shit - he said grabbing my face
Just in that moment a little group was walking in front of us.
- The losers! - they yelled
Henry released my face aggressively and went to bully that poor bunch of kids.
- Girl i am shocked - Olivia said
I said yes with my head.
- Me too

Patrick Hockstetter // when he smilesWhere stories live. Discover now