Chapter 3:Summer

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Kelsi is playing the piano in the otherwise empty rehearsal room at Lava Springs when Ryan enters. Kelsi is the Lava Springs pianist for the summer. Honestly, it wasn't the best job, with long hours and having to play brainless but tricky music, and having to listen to Sharpay, but a job is a job, especially when you're saving up for college.

"Nice playing," says Ryan.

"Thank you. Are you enjoying your stay?" Kelsi asks professionally, as she is staff.

"Yeah. Hey look, Kelsi, I've been meaning to ask you something; you're really nice and cute, and I was wondering if you wanted to get lunch with me? My treat." Ryan asks.

Kelsi immediately became so excited.

"Of course!" Kelsi exclaimed.

"What time is your lunch break?" Ryan asked.

"12:15," replies Kelsi.

"Meet me in the lobby as soon as you clock out," says Ryan before leaving.

That made Kelsi's day a whole lot better.


At 12pm, Ryan began to get ready. He did his hair, dressed up just a bit and headed to the lobby to wait for Kelsi.

At 12:15pm Kelsi practically ran out of the rehearsal room, clocked out, and ran to the washroom, where she checked her hair, clothes, took of her name tag and fixed her make up. She then headed to the lobby.

"Well, you look great!" Exclaims Ryan as Kelsi enters the lobby.

"Thank you. You too," Kelsi says.

Kelsi is shaking. She's so shy that she doesn't hang out with people that much, let alone go on very many dates.

Ryan was nervous. He really wanted Kelsi to like him. Little did he know she was already head over heals for him.

The pair walked out to Ryan's car where Ryan opened the passenger door for Kelsi.

"Thank you," Kelsi says.

Ryan enters his driver side door and turns on the radio before driving down the street to a restaurant. Ryan opens the doors for Kelsi again.

"What do you want?" Ryan asks as he and Kelsi get in line.

"I don't know," Kelsi says.

"I think I'm going to get a milkshake and a cheeseburger," announces Ryan.

"I think I'll get that too," decides Kelsi.

"Do you want me to order for you?" Ryan offers.

Kelsi hates ordering, so she nods and smiles. She really like Ryan, and he's treating her great and being super nice.

Ryan felt like this might be going well.

Ryan orders, pays for and gets the food before the pair sit down at a table.

"So how's your job going?" Ryan asks.

" It's good," Kelsi responds.

What was she supposed to say? That it's boring? It's his parents' club. She wants a second date.

" Looking at any schools in particular?" Ryan asks.

"My sights are set on Julliard, but I've looked at Curtis Institution of Music too. What about you?" Kelsi asked.

" I've been looking at Julliard and Temple University," Ryan says.

The couple chat for a while before Kelsi has to go back to work.


"What had you rushing out of here so happy at lunch Kelsi?" Gabriella asks as Kelsi clocks back in.

"I had a date! Kelsi announced.

" With who?" Ask Gabriella and Troy in unison.

"Ryan," Kelsi says, smiling.

Kelsi returns to her work, but her thoughts are on Ryan.

Ryan tries to relax, but all he can think of is Kelsi.


" Good morning Kelsi," Troy greets Kelsi as the clock in for the day.

"Good morning Troy," Kelsi greets.

" Did you hear about Gabriella?" Troy asks.

" What about Gabriella?" Kelsi asks, confused.

Last she saw Gabriella was yesterday. What had happened between then and now?

" She quit," Troy says simply.

"Why did she quit?" Kelsi asks.

" She's mad at me," Troy explains.

" Oh," Kelsi says as the head to work for the day.

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