chapter 2} on call rooms

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5 months later

jackson awoke to a beautiful sight, his girlfriend next to him sleeping so peacefully. he ran his fingers through her hair. she woke up and had a huge and adorable yawn.
"that was hot" jackson said in a deep voice
"stop" april replied giggling.

all jackson and april wanted to was lay in bed forever and just be together but they knew they had to save lives, they already had their days off and they were just coming back from their 2 day vacation.
"i just wish that we could stay in the bed forever"april said in a baby voice
"i could be into that"jackson replied "but we have to go and save lives you with your truma and me with my plastics posse, but saying in bed does sound like a better idea"

jackson and april stayed in a bed for 15 minutes when april noticed the time and got up to shower."no don't go"
april walked over to jackson and kissed him, he kissed back desperately. he pulled her closer to him and she pulled away. they haven't had sex in 3 months and jackson was growing desperate.
"jackson no" april said in a demanding voice
jackson gave her a pouty face and he let her go into the shower.

they arrived at work and went their separate ways. jackson headed to a consult.
"ms:quinn" jackson said and looked around for a women. she saw her stand up and come towards jackson. she looked pretty young like 22 and according to her chart she wanted a breast implant. "follow me" jackson brought her to a patient room and she sat down on the bed.
"okay so ms.quinn-"
"julia" she said correcting him
"julia okay so i see here that you want a breast implant?"
"yes from size b34 to about a c38 also maybe after you're done here you can take me out for lunch" julia said as she raised her eyebrows
"i would but me and my girlfriend have on call room plans later today"
"well okay let's just get this over with then"julia replied in a sad manner

jackson scheduled her for her surgery in two weeks which gave her plenty of time incase she wanted to change her mind. jackson finished the consult and went down to the pit for a 6 year old head lac.
april was in the pit and she was treating a 15 year old girl olivia who had fractured her tibia and had a laceration on the skin of the break.
april went over to jackson who had just finished stiching up the forehead cut.
"i wish i could kiss you right now" jackson said in his deep voice that obviously made april a little bit turned on. "stop doing that" april replied in a pouty way

"one of my breast patients asked me if i could go to lunch but i said i had plans with my girlfriend"
"jackson you're so cute when you defend me"
jackson grabbed april's waist.
"also i have a patient that needs some stitches on her leg so can you do that?"
"yes i just have to give these parents their discharge papers"

april nodded and walked over to her patient.
"please tell me that hunk of a doctor is your boyfriend?" olivia said in a concerning voice
"haha yes yes he is my boyfriend"
april took a look at her leg scans
"oh and by the way olivia after your stitches heal we will need to do a surgery for your fracture just put a few screws in to hold the bone in place"
"why can't you just do it with the stitches in the or?"
"because your cut is at the bottom of your leg and your fracture is at the top of your tibia so that is a major difference"

jackson came over and started stiching her wound.
"so dr.kepner here said that you two are dating" olivia said trying to make things awkward for them
"yes we are"
"is he good dr.kepner"
"um what?"
"in bed is he good in bed"

jackson looked at her and chuckled quietly to himself. "well i i i mean yeah" april said in an awkward manner
"and dr-dr.avery is she good in bed?"
"extravagant" jackson replied with a smirk and a wink to april.
jackson finished stiching her and ortho put her in a splint and crutches so that the stiches could heal and she could come back for a surgery in 9 days.

april went up to the on call room to try and get some sleep she sat down on the bed to take off her shoes. jackson came in and sat down next to her.
"that was very inappropriate jackson"
"it was extremely inappropriate" jackson said giving her a kiss. the kiss deepened and jackson slipped his hand onto her bra.
"jackson we are at work! we can't do this at work!" april said in a stern voice
"well why not"
"because what if someone walks in" april said whispering
jackson got up and locked the door.

he went back to kissing april and he layed her down and continued kissing her. he slipped his hand under her scrub top and pulled it off. he went and kissed her again but this time he kissed down her neck and explored her body to try to find her pleasure centers. he got to a place on her neck and she moaned in pleasure. april felt that familiar feeling in her stomach. she needed jackson and needed him soon or she would blow. april started to show signs of what she needed. "are you okay?" jackson asked "yes jackson just do something anything" april said heavy breathing.
"anything? well i guess we can make that work" jackson replied in a deep voice that was not helping april at all. jackson took his scrub shirt off and went down to april's legs.

april was confused for a second but then she understood what jackson was about to do. she didn't know what to feel because she had never done this before.
jackson went down to aprils legs and pulled her scrub pants off. he did it slowly slowly so that april could find out what he was about to do and she could have an opinion to stop or now.
once her pants were fully off she was in only her bra and her lace panties. "is this okay" jackson asked just to made sure he wasn't freaking her out. "yes" april replied "i've just never done this before"
"trust me it'll feel good"

jackson started to take aprils panties off. she didn't open her legs much because she is really self conscious. once they were fully off, jackson went to her lips and started kissing her again. he started to take off her bra as they were kissing. jackson started kissing farther down. he kissed her neck, then her chest, then her nipple, then her stomach, then he put his mouth on her center.

april moaned and jackson thought it was hot, he flicked his tongue around her clit.
"jackson stop" april said between moans
jackson didn't listen to april's 'cry for help'
with a few more flicks of this tongue april was off the edge.

"was that good" jackson said as he laid next to april.
"y-yes" april replied still calming down from her orgasm.
"noted" jackson said.
jackson took the rest of his scrubs off and positioned himself between aprils thighs. he entered her slowly. her grinder his hips at a satisfying pace and hit aprils g-spot every time.

he started to thrust harder and faster causing april to moan in a pillow. he went back to kissing her lips so she could moan while kissing him. 10 minutes past and april could feel herself nearing the edge. jackson could feel it too. "come on baby come for me" jackson said in a deep voice. april did as she was told and had a deep orgasm again into the pillow.

aprils pager went off and she got dressed and walked to the patient.
april didn't notice she was walking with a limp mainly because she just had two orgasms.
she walked to the patient room and saw an intern with a patient. the intern went over to her and talked to her.
"so um she morphine for her pain" the nervous intern said
"then give her some"
"i don't know how"he stated "also why are you walking with a limp? are you okay?" he asked
"because i just had sex and i will start the central line for you" april said as she walked into olivia's room.
"hello olivia" april said
"hi dr.kepner can i have some more pain medication my leg really hurts"
april checked her chart and sees that she last got medication 2 hours ago.
april gave her some more morphine and she walked to the nurses station to give the tablet back.

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