Jasmine: *screams* Ard I take it back put me down

Eric: *puts you down* can I get a hug

Jasmine: no you suck *walking away*

Eric: *pulls her back by the waste & turns her around * I'm sorry bae

Jasmine: no you're not

Eric: I am. *pulls her close* accept my apology

Jasmine: *rolls eyes playfully* Yes I do *laughs*

Eric: *grabs her hand* let's walk

Jasmine: *holds his hand* Ard where are we going *

Eric: want some ice cream

Jasmine: no

Eric: why not Bae don't like ice cream

Jasmine: *laughs* I do I don't want any Cause I'm gonna get jiggly

Eric: your butt is the only thing that's jiggly & if you wanna work out I'll take you to the gym tomorrow after school.

Jasmine: but that's a Monday *wines*

Eric: aw it's not that bad

Jasmine: whatever. before I do I gotta eat

Eric: *laughs * come There's a table

we sit down & me being the clumsy girl I am I dropped my fork so I get up & grab me another I took a while Cause I saw some girl sit in my spot & start talking to Eric I had 2 choices be crazy & wild that bitch or see How Eric handles this. I chose number 2

Girl: Hey cutie

Eric: oh wassup

Girl: why are you Here by yourself

Eric: oh Um I'm waiting for my girlfriend to get back

Girl: does your girlfriend mind if I get your number

Eric: probably not

Girl: so what's your number

Eric: *laughs*

Girl: what's so funny

Eric: Im not giving you my number

Girl: why not you said your girlfriend would be Fine with it

Eric: no I said probably that should of meant no *points to Jasmine * see that girl right there with the purple bathing suit. big ass. pretty eyes. deep ass dimples

Girl: yeah so

Eric: That's my girlfriend. & I ain't bout to fuck up now

Girl: wait that's Jasmine Perez

Eric: Yep

Girl: that can't be your girlfriend

I heard everything. that's love so I finally walk over I ordered fries so I wouldn't seem stalker like.

Jasmine: *grabs her wallet* Hello who is this

Eric: nobody what you get Bae

Jasmine: I got fries

Eric: you got fries

Jasmine: what I like fries

Eric: you just something about being jiggly

Jasmine: I'm going to the gym with you tomorrow right?

Eric: yeah but *GCO*

Jasmine: I'll work it off  *kisses him*

Eric: you a trip

Jasmine: so what's your name

Girl: Mya

Jasmine:  How old are you

Mya: 13

Eric: I'm way older Then you I'd go to jail for you

Mya: How old are you?

Eric: 18

Jasmine: you're the same as my little brother Jay

Mya: I know he's super cute but he's never noticed me

Jasmine: what grade you in?

Mya: 9th

Jasmine: same as me & Jay. but I'm late but I'm about to skip ahead 2 grades

Eric: forreal

Jasmine:  yeah but back to Mya

Mya: he wouldn't want to talk to me

Jasmine: why not you're cute. look just give me your number take a picture with me so I can show him

Mya: are you sure

Jasmine: Yep

She looked like a nice girl for my brother & I didn't want her on my Niggah but she was really cute. my brother gonna love her. we took a picture & I gave her my number I texted Jay & he texted her they gonna be cute.

Jasmine: see Bae I got fries & she got a Niggah

Eric: you're adorable

Jasmine: *winks*

Eric: don't start Nothing you can't finish

Jasmine: *laughs*

Then I get a call

Jasmine: Hello

Prince: Jasmine

Jasmine: Hey daddy

Prince: what you doing

Jasmine: I'm at the beach

Prince: Ard you having fun?

Jasmine: a lot of fun

Prince: Ard well sorry to be a pooper but you gotta come home you got school tomorrow.

Jasmine: ard

Prince: see you when I see you little pimp

Jasmine: *laughs* bye daddy

Eric: you gotta go?

Jasmine: Yep

Eric: damn but Ard go get dress I'll be here

I went to get dress & it's getting dark so it's cold he gives me his jacket & we walk to his car we got in & he turned the music on I was bumping. we pull up to my house & we had the longest kiss. it was nice lol. when I went in the house my little niece was here ray's daughter she is love lol. her name is Cali she has the biggest brown eyes she is 8 months too I love her.


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