Day #3😝

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*i cut my own hair once and it was so bad I had to cut everything like bald...

*I have A HUGE crush on a watt pad bad boy character...
(why do I feel like my life is full of sad fake love life's🤔😢)

*my used to be boyfriend or my ex is now my best friend AND IT'S NOT AWKWARD AT ALL...oh my life.

*The three people I'd trust with my life... GOD... ANDREW GARFIELD and MY PARENTS... Wait that's four eh who cares...

*i love songs that don't interpret my life so I can think of someone's life the song interprets and laugh😂

* I love memes almost as much as my phone...

*I love the kdrama *drum roll* bride of the watergod.

*i love writhing the word 'individual'

*My mom doesn't make breakfast for us in my house its Eat or die,your on your own.

*I am 16 and just found out that godparents were still a thing and worse apparently I have a god mother,...

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