The boy had the extraordinary ability to get into people's nerves, were it people or was it just her, she could not care much anyways

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

The boy had the extraordinary ability to get into people's nerves, were it people or was it just her, she could not care much anyways. She had moderate patience, but her temper could take up a nasty shape if  tested or contained for too long. Surprisingly, she was expecting Aditya to appear  before her out of the blue, she was also considering about  apologising, no matter what,he had never harmed her in any way, neither had he ever proved himself to be any sort of threat to her. But she could not bring herself to ask about Aditya. But one attempt would do no harm she thought before clearing her throat and looking up again, her eyes meeting his "Why don't you hang out with your friend. Why annoy us?" she asked wily, mentally praising herself, she believed that she was learning to be artful with words "Well, Aditya, if you mean Miss Banerjee....He is....somewhere, doing his duty you know, a dedicated boy he is." Nitesh replied, his eyes roaming around the huge classroom, as if unsure about his own friend's whereabouts  "I see." dejection was clear in her voice as it lowered which did not go unnoticed by Nitesh's cunning senses, he raised an eyebrow questioningly, though it appeared more like teasing when he smirked at her direction. Anushree had to roll her eyes to ensure that he was not assuming anything wrong "Look, I was just....I just wanted to say sorry to him." she finally spilled, surprising those who heard her "Sorry? But for whap?" Nidhi asked as  she stuffed her mouth with the sandwiches she had brought "Eh, nothing much, just......" Anushree trailed off, not knowing what to say  "Well, well , well, Aditya must know this then." A sudden jolt of uneasiness ran down her spine at Nitesh's words, she was feeling nervous, not around Nitesh but even the thought of apologising to Aditya while the boy would be smirking smugly never settled well with her, at least that was how she  had thought him to be, a self-centred, self-indulgent playboy too proud of his looks to seek wisdom. She, on the other hand was no more than a nerd, who absolutely despised attention and thus always remained low-profile with her other low-profile nerdy friends. Nitesh had already shifted his attention to Shubhangi, the two got along pretty well, in fact Shubhangi, unlike Reha had good terms with Aditya and Nitesh both, she was not as close to them as Prerna, but she was quiet close. 

The shrill sound of the bell, that was annoyingly loud indicated that lunch break was over, Social Science was the upcoming period, a subject Anushree adored while more than half of the class considered it a sleeping period. Aditya entered the class looking rather worn out, his appearence made her conclude that either he had worked too hard, or he was too distracted, running around with his friends from other sections. However, as soon as he stepped in, Nitesh ran up to him and whispered something into his ears, somehow Anushree had a strong feeling that it was regarding her since he looked at her direction, once, biting her lips nervously, she quickly took out her Geography textbook and when, through her peripheral vision, she saw them both approaching her, she began to pray, mentally slapping herself, what was  she even thinking, why the heck was  she so nervous? Focus Anushree, focus she kept repeating mentally until the two were standing in front of her, she raised her head to meet the eyes of the boy she was supposed to apologise to Great she groaned mentally as she watched him trying to contain a victorious smile "Well.....I heard-" before he could even finish, Anushree spoke up, "Yes, I wanted to apologise. Look, I was not in a very pleasant mood this morning, I am sorry.....I am really sorry for speaking to you with that tone." a sense of relief washed over her whole self, at last she thought sorry, as if a very heavy burden had been lifted from her shoulders. She was expecting him to make a sassy remark or taunt her indirectly, however, he surprised her further by flashing a smile instead, the smile looked so real, it was genuine, she just knew it was. Anushree frowned at his reaction, before she herself knew about her own expression, it was so instinctive "You couldn't have done that if your best friend was here you know?" well, she never saw this coming. His words had caught her off guard, she parted her lips only to suck in a breath and close them again, she had nothing to say. She could not say even a word. Because she knew, deep down she knew that every word of his was true "N-no...You are getting a wrong idea." she hated it when she stuttered,  nervousness was clear on her face, especially her eyes, her eyes were the mirrors of her heart, Aditya let out a sarcastic chuckle at her lame attempt to cover up, to protect her friend, her best friend, his facial expression stated clearly that he was not buying  her excuse "You know what......" she began, his eyes were grave and she knew that this time, he was not in any fun mood "I am not what you friend had painted me as in front of you, I am not what you think Anushree. Things are far complicated than they appear to be. You know nothing.....You are naive, too naive to understand. I know things you would never want to know." with each word, his voice turned graver, strangely enough, Anushree felt tension raising at the pit of her stomach, he appeared to be so grave and before she could even response back, he left. He left with Nitesh for his own seat. Leaving her alone and confused. Yes, he confused her, there was no denial in that, it was not actually her, it was Reha and Aditya, who confused her, together, they both were presenting the same thing to her in different colours, under different covers. She felt as if there was a curtain, a big, translucent curtain between the facts and her and she needed to push the curtain away. She felt so helpless, so confused, his and Reha's words made her feel conflicted.


Hi there, I am back. I hope you liked the chapter. Will Anushree find out about the truth, should she rely on Aditya or Reha? Is Aditya trustworthy?

And yes, readers waiting for Fated Desire, I am working on it and hopefully I will be updating it by the end of this week. Till then take care and enjoy other amazing books on this amazing site.

Please excuse my mistakes, this is an unedited chapter.

She Designed The Life She Loved! (Book 1)// ON HOLDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang