Time Zones

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I was staying at my friends for a while and I had major jet lag. Worse yet, her neighbor was this loud asshole. That night I couldn't sleep, so at five a.m. I decided to go out on her balcony and play my ukulele. Music usually made me feel better.

It was chilly so I brought out a blanket, but luckily the sun was starting to come up. I really liked this one musician, his name was Joji, I hadn't done much research on him but I really enjoyed his music.

I started to play the song Pills and sing along. I never thought I was good, but I loved to sing and play.

"Zoloft, Xanax." I sang. "Please don't run away."

When it got to the 'I don't know why' part, I heard someone else singing. I stopped singing, and sure enough there was that voice. It sounded just like him.

I turned my head around and there he was. "What the fuck?" I thought I said it in my head, but apparently I didn't because he started to giggle.

"You're good on the ukulele." He said, he had a really nice voice and he was super cute - honestly he was really hot.

"Thanks." I blushed out of embarrassment.

"You're also a good singer." He added and gave me a tired smile.

"Thanks. So, are you Joji 'cause you sound like him." I asked

"Yep." He paused for a moment. "Why are you up so early? Could you not sleep?"

"Jet lag." Two words full of pure torture. He nodded.  "What about you, Mr.Joji?"

"I had to work on some projects, then I thought I'd get some air." The more I looked at him, the happier he made me feel.

"You should leave them aside and get some sleep. Your health is more of a concern I think." I didn't want it to seem like I was bossing this kid around, but I really don't like to see people do this to themselves.

"Heh. I can't. They're really important." He grinned, but his eyes looked sad.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"I'm fine." He smiled more, but he still didn't look 100%. "You should play another song. You're really good."

"You're just saying that. I sound like a rubber chicken." He laughed at my comparison.

"No you don't." He insisted. "You're really talented."

"Thanks." I smiled, but looked down at my uke out of shyness. I started to strum, but I was too nervous to sing.

I started to play worldstar money. He started to hum along. Then he stopped. "You know what. Just come over here and let's hang out."

I giggled at how adorable he was. "Alright." I walked out of my friends apartment and met him at his.

"Oh sorry for the mess." He said running in front of me.

"No it's cool." I reassured him. "It looks nicer then my place." I laughed.

"This is my ukulele." He showed me proudly. He was so fucking adorable.

"This is mine." I handed it to him shyly. He started to strum it softly.

"It's nice." He started to play worldstar. "I looked at you and said, oh oh oh." He sang.

"Don't hate me." I joined in very quietly. I saw him grin. "Am I crazy?" I sighed. "I fucking love your music."

"Thanks." He grinned. "Do you have any songs?"

"I mean I made up some, but never put them out there."

"Why not?"

"I'm not good, no one would listen-"

"You are good though! I'd listen. Could you play one now?" He was being awfully pushy.

"I'm getting tired," I said. "I think I'm going to go now." I said walking towards him to get my ukulele back.

"Alright." He handed it back. "Sorry." He sighed.

"No your fine." I smiled and he smiled back.

"Can I hug you? I mean if that's alright with you."

I started to giggle. "Yeah you can hug me." He embraced me, it felt really nice to feel a real hug. We kind of stood there for awhile, just hugging. "We should hang out later."

"Okay yeah." He said letting go. "I'll see you later then?"

"Yup. See ya Joji." I said while leaving to next door.  I fell asleep to the sound of his ukulele.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2018 ⏰

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