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i woke up and got dressed and started walking to school

"hey hobo" i heard 

i looked to my left and it was iris,she walked beside me

"look i know i asked you out and you kinda rejected me but there is nothing wrong with being friends right?" she asked 

"yeah your right?" i said 

"here" she said handing me a big bag of gummy worms

"whats this for?" i ask

"uh its a goodbye gift,i am moving next week" she said 

"what?really?" i asked 

"yeah my mom finally left my worthless dad and she found a nice house far from here" she said sadly 

"aw that sucks,now who's going to call me random names?" i asked 

she laughed lightly and stopped walking 

i stood in front of her as her head was down

"Finn i just wanted to say that your the most nice boy i have ever met" she said 

i was shocked and kinda taken back

"thanks iris,your nice to" i said 

she looked up and smashed her lips into mine,i was shocked but i kissed back. until i was realizing what i just did i pulled away from the 5 second kiss and looked at her 

"what the fuck iris,you shouldn't have done-why did you kiss me?i'm with Millie" i said 

she looked down

"why?i see you every day with her and you look so sad like shes not good enough for you" she said

"you don't know her like i do,i love her,and what do you know whats good for me?" i ask now a little mad 

she looked down and shook her head

"i'm sorry,i don't know...just um forget this happened" she said then walked the opposite direction

i shook my head and kept walking 


i got to school and walked into study hall 

Millie wasn't there so i just went to my locker

i opened it and a note fell out

'hey Finn i knew you would get this note,i uh really didn't want to go to school so instead i'm at the tree house with the rest,meet me there'

i put the note in my pocket and started walking to the tree house

i got there in 30 minutes 

i walked through the meadow and saw the tree house

i opened the little lach and saw them in there

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