Jay vs Pirates

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The next day , Jay woke up in his dark and dirty cell . He was woke up by the sounds of cheering and a pirate with one eyepatch over his eye said " Come on get up !Its time to get to work !" Jay don't walk away this time to he corner of this cage , so he climbed up some stone ladders built into the wall , and the chains were wrapped around his ankle once again . Instead of being handed a mop and a bucket of water , he was pulled to a large room where all of Nadakhans crew stood cheering . A large tall and strong women walked towards him and was put up to fight with her , it was an unfair fight . Firstly , he was small and chained up and the enemy was not . " Why don't you unchain me , it has to be a fair fight !" Jay said scared .
" Fair ." Nadakhan answered " We're pirates , we don't do fair !"
The tall figure ran towards him and grabbed his legs , then chucked him back into the ground , the large object that was chained to his leg landed right on his chest , he felt like throwing up , he slowly managed to get up and walk towards her . He was still holding his stomach because he was in pain , he targeted at her face to go for a punch , he failed and then got hit beck ten times order right across the face . " OW!" he screamed . " That's not OK ! "
He felt dripping falling down his cheeks , he was bleeding . He wiped his face and then carried on fighting , before he could start , he was chucked into the air , and fell face first onto the wooden floor . " Give up ?" Nadakhan asked wile laughing hysterically. " Just remember, you can wish it all away !"
" No !" Jay replied " I'm not falling for that one again !" After several stages of hitting and punching , he was sent back to his cage with a small plate of prison like food .
He looked up at he crescent shape moon and said " I hope you're looking for me , please find me , I need you."

There you go . Another part , I won't give any spoilers to the next part . Thanks .😋🌝😀

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