Chapter 26: Papa Lightwood takes a visit

Start from the beginning

"That's good, isn't that good, Robert?" Just now I notice all the problems that have been in their relationship. Sure, it never was perfect before, but now I see that it was because of my Father. When my Mother call his name, it seemed to pull him out of a trance. He was all dazed, I can't quite put my finger on why.

"Oh, yes, glad you're fine," he said quickly. I'll have to fine put what's going on with him later.

"I'll call Jace and Isabelle, and tell them that you're here." To be honest, I just said that so I could leave the awkward situation. It's just like that with my father since he's never really accepted me. Isabelle was in her room, on her phone. "Isabelle, get up. Mom and Dad are here. Where's Jace?"

"Jace went to Silent City with Clary, they're still trying to find a cure."

"It sucks that he has to deal with burning everyone whenever he touches them."

"Yeah, let's go see Mom and Dad now." She followed me back to library. Oh yeah, what's with the dress shirt?"

"I had no other clean shirts, they're all at Magnus's place." I changed the subject quickly. "C'mon, let's go."

They were sitting at a desk, talking. My Dad visibility perked up when we entered. "Ah, Isabelle, come sit. You too, Alec."

"How did you guys come so fast. Alec only recently sent the fire message."

"We were actually already planning to come, it as just a coincidence that your brother sent us the fire message the same time we were leaving."

"So what are we going to do?"

"We're going to discuss what we're going to do about these kidnappings, and demon hoards. Sebastian has sent a hoard recently to Brooklyn. We need to fine a way to stop him and prevent war as much as possible."

"So instead of going to war can't we just find where he is and slit his throat while he sleeps?"

"That's the problem, we don't know where he his. No warlock can track him and there's no sign of him. That's why we're going to talk about what to do."

For most of the discussion I was zoned out. Hoping I could at least look like I'm listening. There was only one part of the conversation that caught my attention. "Can't we ask the High warlock to track any of the people gone missing? Sebastian can't be found because we have nothing of his, but we could probably get someone's shirt and use it," my Dad exclaimed in frustration.

"Umm, I don't think so," Isabelle said timidly. Suddenly my shoelaces were the most interesting thing in the room.

"Why not? We can pay him whatever he wants."

"Ummm, after he broke up with Alec he probably doesn't want to work with us anymore."

"Damn it Alec! What did you do to him that was so bad?" He had a fiery look in his eyes. This is why I used to fear him as a child, he had a look that he could kill you if he wanted to.

"Dad, don't take your anger out on Alec. He doesn't deserve it, and there are more warlocks in New York. How about Catarina Loss? Jocelyn Fray knows her." The look in his eyes subsided almost instantly.

"Yeah, okay Isabelle. I'll call her up, asking if she'll work for us. With pay, of course." That's how the rest if the meeting went. Just discussing what would be best for us to do about Sebastian. Jace's Heavenly Fire came up in the conversation, they just said that they'll have the silent brothers take care of that. It isn't fair to him. They should at least try a bit harder. He's the best of our kind, his case should be treated more than it is now. When it ended, I can't help but say I was glad. It was constantly nagging in the back of my head that Magnus would come up in this conversation, and that's the last thing I want to talk about right now. Getting over him is a lot harder than I thought it would be. Just letting go of a huge part of your life, no matter what it is, will take quite some time. When everyone leaves the library and leaves me there alone, once again, I'm glad. I've been enjoying being alone a lot more lately, it helps me think. Finally deciding on staying here the rest if the day, I grabbed an old book and took a seat on a large chair.

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