It's Complicated

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   Chelsie is a shy girl that is like a loner but she has one friend named Veronica. Chelsie, is starting her freshman year, and she is afraid she will not fit in with all of the people that are going to be there. she has finally realized that drama is going to start very shortly, and it's going to be very horrible she could feel it. but that's not all she has to deal with the fact she finds out about how her mother, Kathren, has been keeping all these secrets locked away from her for years. and when she runs away because she got sick and tired of her mother abusing her, she decided the only place in the world that would actually work out okay would be at Veronica's house but when her and Veronica goes on this website she finds a '' Cute '' guy and they started talking and they finally meet up and it's her DAD!! Then when that situation sets in with everything else it just piles on and on and on, which makes more fights, and drama!

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