☠ Chapter Two ☠

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☠ Chapter Two 

**Roslyn's POV**

I tapped on Caileen's shoulder when I reached her, causing her to turn around immediately. Her eyes widened, along with a big smile when she came to realization that was me. 

"Roslyn, my beautiful friend!" she said loudly, closing her eyes and moving her hands in the air, swaying her hips back and forth to the music. I laughed at my outgoing friend. I wish I could be like that, again, I thought. Everything seemed to change since two years ago. 

"Are you drunk?" I asked my best friend as the beat of the song playing began to pick up, bouncing off the floor and dance floor, the vibration coursing through my body as I felt a sudden urge to dance. And so I did. 

"No, lovely. I haven't even had more than two shots," she said and I raised an eyebrow at her.  "Okay, maybe three, or.. Okay, four tops!" she told me and smiled, closing her brown eyes once again enjoying the music. I was surprised I could hear her over the blasting tune. Both of us were dancing the same way, as she spun around a few times and I just laughed as she almost fell over in her high inched heels. "Don't look now, but mystery guy is staring directly at you," she told me and nodded  her head behind me. I still danced as I spun slowly like she did, trying to see who she was talking about. I had a feeling on who it could be, and rolled my eyes when I realized it was indeed Harry. 

"Oh God, Cail. Please let's go somewhere else," I said. 

"Oh, what's so bad? He's sort of hot," she said and smirked at me. 

"Nah," I disagreed. She seemed to notice my swing in mood as I slowly started to lose my energy in dancing. She pouted before grabbing my arm, leading me closer to where Harry stood. 

"Where are we-"

"Nah ah ah! We're getting you drunk," she informed me and I giggled at my friend. I realized she was taking me to the bar, which Harry was seated at. But   Caileen made sure to stay a little ways away from him, and I thank her for that. I ignored Caileen as she ordered something. Something about some sort of slammer and a state name I couldn't comprehend over the music was said from Caileen, as I tried my hardest not to look over to my far left to where a certain someone was sitting. But it all happened as on instinct as I suddenly felt someone sit right next to me.

"Hi, Roslyn," the familiar voice said. I didn't dare to look at him.

"Caileen, are we leaving soon?" I asked my friend to my right. She looked at Harry, at me, and then at Harry again just as our shots were placed down. 

"Oh, thank God," Caileen said downing hers as soon as it hit the table. I hesitantly grabbed mine, downing it. I needed this. I needed to 'let loose' as Cail would say.

"Do you drink often?" I heard Harry said next to me. I ignored him until I felt his hand on my thigh. I quickly scooted away.

"No," I replied rather harshly.

"Me neither," he said smirking. "But as you know, I do smoke sometimes." I huffed.

"I wonder what your lungs look like," I said and took another shot. 

"Probably not so good," Harry said chuckling. I looked at him in disbelief.

"There's nothing funny about that, Harry," I snapped. His eyes widened at my sudden outburst, and I felt Caileen get up and off from the stool she was sat on. 

"I'm going to go let loose, something you need to be doing more of," Caileen said to me, placing her hand on my thigh before lightly squeezing, and letting go. She winked at me and then turned around and danced to the dance floor.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2014 ⏰

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