"Do you guys... Seriously do this... Everyday?", the H/Clr haired girl huffed, bending over to catch her breath. They had just finished a ten kilometre run, and still weren't finished. "You wanna stop and rest? We can wait if you want", Jace offered as he stared at the Hgt girl in the F/Clr hoodie struggle a bit. "Never! Auntie didn't raise no quitter!", the girl stood up with a determined look on her face.

Y/N felt a pat on her head and looked up to see Vasco. The tattooed male was proud that his friend didn't give up. He handed her a carton of chocolate milk. "... Vasco... Where did you get that?", Y/N asked as she was handed the small carton.

"I found it on the street", the tattooed male said simply, as thought there was nothing wrong with it. "Vasco, you can't just pick cartons of milk up off the street", Y/N pointed at him seeming to lecture him. Jace laughed at the scene as Vasco didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with it.

As Y/N learned more about her new friends, the guys in turn learned how much the girl loved videogames. She taught them how to play her favorite online videogame to help her "farm". They really weren't expecting the girl to be a videogame and animation enthusiast. Though they found it endearing how big her eyes got and how wide her smile would get when she talked about her favorite shows and games.

[A/N: If you're not a total videogame and anime/cartoon fanatic like me. You can just imagine telling them about other shows or books if you'd like... When the author reveals more about themselves. >>]

"No, Jace! You can't just wack the monster!", Y/N began complaining as she tried to teach the males to play the game. "Aren't we just supposed to kill it anyway?", the large eared male asked, not understanding what the issue was. "No! If we want to get the right materials you have to strike it in the right place to break the parts. If not, it won't drop the items we want and we'll have wasted our time for nothing!", the B/T girl lectured.

"Argh! This game is stupid!", the large eared male complained. "Your face is stupid!", Y/N shouted, pointing a S/Tn finger at the male. "Y/N... I died", Vasco said quietly as he stared at the screen. "It's cool Vasco, I got you", the girl brushed off as though it were nothing. "Why are you nice to him?!", Jace complained.

As they spent more time together, Y/N was a bit jealous, but happy, to find out how great a friendship Vasco and Jace really had. It was weird; but they had known each other for so long it didn't feel that way. The trio grew closer over time, not knowing what the next semester would bring.

-Back to School-

The Burn Knuckles cheered as they saw their three favorite people walking in. Y/N blushed a bit; it never crossed her mind that they would actually miss her. Classes went on as usual until rumours began spreading about an attractive new student.

"You think it's a girl?", some of the Architecture guys mused. "She must have style if she's in fashion; right Vasco?", Jace nudged his friend. Vasco nodded with a blush on his face as the group began talking about their ideal girls.

The Hgt girl walked away quietly feeling her stomach churn... She wasn't like other girls... She wasn't dainty and cute, or stylish and pretty. But, why did she care all of a sudden?... It never mattered before.

Was it because the guys were talking about it?... They probably did that all the time before she transferred... It shouldn't be any different now. The Hgt girl never cared about that before; so what changed?

Y/N decided to swallow this feeling and ignore it as she kept walking. "Hey watch it!", someone snapped her out of her stupor. She looked up to see a male with sunglasses walking with a couple other guys. "S-sorry", the girl apologized as she walked around the group.

"Hey, I've never seen you around before... What class you in?", the male tilted his head. Y/N found the male a bit intimidating as she couldn't see most of his face. "I'm in the Architecture Department", she said simply as the group looked shocked.

"I didn't even know they had girls in that department", one male spoke up suddenly. "Well, they do now", Y/N smiled nervously with slight humour in her voice. "You're cute. Wanna go out?", the male with sunglasses seemed to lean in eagerly.

"U-uh... No thank you", the girl began walking back slowly. "Why? You one of those sluts that only sleeps with people in their department?", the male with sunglasses asked cruelly. "E-excuse me?", the Hgt girl asked with wide eyes.

"You heard me", the male asked lowly as his friends seemed to chuckle. "No", the girl said, as she began feeling her stomach began to twist. "I think you're lying", the male said sadistically as he began backing up, seeming to catch on to the girl's stress. "Think what you want. But, you don't know me and I don't know you. So just leave me alone", she ground out, walking away from the group.

"Whatever slut!", the male shouted as she kept walking, feeling her eyes burn. She knew it shouldn't bother her, but she couldn't help remembering the times people ridiculed her before. Y/N went to the bathroom and sat in a stall, quiet for a long moment.

She felt tears running down her face and let them. "This is so stupid", she thought as she wiped tears away... Why was she crying? It made no sense to her... But, she couldn't help feeling this was the beginning of something bad.

[A/N: Stop the bullying 2k13! (random reference) I always feel like Vin Jin was just created to be a character everyone dislikes. Anyway, added a tad bit of drama at the end. Hope you all enjoyed the chapter!]

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