Part 2: lafayette's love for Peggy

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It had been a week after the things that happened in the bar and both men were happy to say they were in love with Peggy Schuyler.
Third person
Laf hadn't seen the beautiful Peggy Schuyler In a week, to him it felt like forever, he let out a sigh as he was dressed and ready to go see her, he knew he had a chance with the beautiful girl, just worried she'd pick john over him. Lafayette left for Peggy's house, arriving 10 minuets later, he chapped loudly on the door tapping his foot as he waited for a answer, Eliza opened the the door "Emm Bonjour im her to see miss Peggy"Laf said nervously "oh, well she's upstairs her room is the one with the yellow door"Eliza said sweetly, as Lafayette nodded walking upstairs seeing a lipstick covered Alex sitting outside a blue door "bonjour Alex" Lafayette smirked as Alex looked up at him giggling "I'm a ladies man"Alex giggles as laf knocked on Peggy's door "oh laf she's really ill, id be soft"Alex said nodding as Peggy shouted "come in"weakly, laf nodded at Alex as he opened the door walking "bonjour mon Cherie"he said softly "oh hello laf"she mumbled as she sat up with a weak smile, "oh no mon Cherie lay back down and rest you are not well"Lafayette said as he walked over taking her hand "it's only a fever it's fine"she said softly "Fevers can be deadly"he mumbled kissing her hand.

Peggy sighed laying back to get comfortable laf picked up the damp cloth from the table side and placed It on her forehead "poor princess"he said in his thick French accent "laf you are great"she mumbled as she shut her eyes resting, laf hummed a small tune as he rubbed her hand with his thumb
3 hours later
Peggy was fast asleep curled up in her bed next to laf he was immune to these illnesses, he sighed softly as he rubbed her back lightly kissing her neck as softly as he could, she slowly started to wake up feeling lafs arms around her it assured her she'd be okey and save and she loved that feeling, "Laf, Thank you for staying"she said in a quiet voice "no problem mon Cherie I'll do anything for you"he mumbled softly and lovingly.

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