As you followed a trail lit up by the moonlight you looked up to Iwaizumi as he spoke ever so quietly "thanks, I would've regretted doing that" and gave your hand a gently squeeze, you smiled and let out a small huff and looked forward " yeah, even if it wasn't my fault id be just as dead as you so don't flatter yourself" this earned a chuckle out of him and god his laughter was music to your ears, like the one sing you could listen to forever and never get tired of.

It took your breath away, the cascading water that flowed over a high cliff sparkled in the moonlight and you couldn't help but gape at it, with a small smile "impressive Iwaizumi-san" you said turning your head to find him staring at you instead of the view your cheeks feeling warm, you found it odd that you hadn't grown cold since leaving the fire. "Iwaizumi is fine" he said just loud enough for you to hear, you smiled and glanced back to the water fall "are you going to go for a dip of what?" you asked.

You sat on a rock near the deep pool of water at the base of the waterfall, it wasn't Niagra falls but a smaller river waterfall, it was gorgeous, but not as gorgeous as the complementing view of Iwaizumi stripping his shirt leaving him bare chested, you cursed yourself for looking, hoping that you glanced away in time for him not to catch you looking at that gorgeously sculpted body that had you drooling, it really wasn't fair and he was dead set out of your league, but you tried not to think about that as you watched him elegantly dive into the water.

He popped up at your feat a few moments later, water dripping from his forehead and shoulders with a stupid smile on his face making a fond smile grow on your own face. You had left your cardigan, shoes and iwaizumis jacket back further so not as to get them wet. "aren't you coming in?" he questioned with a smirk, you squinted at him "what are you planning boy-" next thing you knew you had been grabbed by your hand and tugged into the water letting out a yell of some sort as you fell face first into the water.

You landed against something warm and hard, your hands splayed across the front off it as you felt arms encircling around your waist, making your cheeks grow warm and your body feel weightless 'oh' you thought to yourself.

You gasped out as you resurfaced your face and body inches away from iwaizumis, your hands splayed across his chest that were frozen in place, you looked at him for moment before mumbling a small "you're dead meat Iwaizumi" he chuckled at this and tugged you in closer until the only thing separating your chests was your tank top, you swallowed slightly as you moved your hand to cautiously run over the top of iwaizumis shoulders "oh really now?" he questioned as he lent in to brush your noses together, you closed your eyes almost instinctively, but what, did you really think someone like Iwaizumi Hajime was going to kiss you, god what were you thinking-

Your thoughts where cut short as you felt the warmth of his lips pressed against yours in a gentle but almost desperate kiss as though he had been waiting forever to lock lips with you. You let out a gasp as he pressed your back against a near by rock, you opened your eyes to look at him "I thought you wanted to keep me warm?" you asked almost breathless "that can be arranged" he mumbled in a voice that drove you crazy before he lent back in and took your breath away, you almost chuckled, because he tasted like two minuet noodles.


Half an hour and a couple of hidden hickeys later you walked hand in hand fully clothed again walking back to the camp site with Iwaizumi as the two of you talked quietly about how you two had wished that you had bought a camera, it wasn't until you reached the fire to find oikawa laying against a log with your best friend in his arms as he eyed the two of you, more specifically the interlocked hands between the two of you opening his voice about to speak up before you cut in "one word out of your mouth oikawa and I will enlighten you on just how loud you two were earlier" in which oikawa shut himself up and simply smiled " and this is why you are the only one for me" Hajime mumbled as you dragged him to their tent.

Oikawa watched the two walk off and sighed softly, he pitied himself because it was official, his first love had well and truly fallen between his fingers into someone else's hold, he was ashamed of himself that despite what he was doing earlier with his girlfriend, the hole time when his eyes were closed, all he could think of was his childhood friend, he may have even called his name out once, a simple "Hajime" rolling off his lips,  maybe that's why she had cried herself to sleep in his arms "I'm sorry... I will love you sooner or later" he whispered to his girlfriend who deserved much better as he kissed her forehead, she whispered out a small "I know" in which she just pulled him closer.


Okay~~~ little bit of a plot twist and angst at the end of this, it wouldn't be Iwaoi without some angst. But regardless I hope you enjoyed, there are more to come but I cant guarantee consistent works but if you liked this work let me know !!! :) <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2018 ⏰

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