chapter 2

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Dok2 "crazy" playing as the alarm

I hear my alarm go off and i check it "7am already" i yawn and get my lazy butt off the bed and head to take a shower.

After i showered i got ready in the outfit i was planning to wear today.⬇

I grabbed my bag i had prepared to go to the venue with. I was taking it with me already because i was gonna be around for awhile and think i wont make it in time if i left it in my room.

I ended up going to this plaza here in koreatown and it has so many great places. I didn't want to leave lol. I also wished i had more money to spend.  I was browsing around every store to see if i can get a good gift for the special 1llionaire guy.

After going thru mostly every store i saw something i really liked. I went into the store,which happened to be a sports shop. I walked around to see if anything else would catch my eye but tht one particular piece still had my attention. I asked the worker for the size i needed since it was to high for me to reach and he grabbed it for me. It looked really good.(gift i got the special 1llionaire guy, well go with the white one tho lol)

I went to pay for it and then left to eat some food. There was a place i was told tht had really bomb asf food and i decided tht i would have my lunch there, its called "tonkatsu house". And i heard about this place from a mv as well lol. Its a very great track by Gyamazawa ft Junoflo- one crown. And the person tht made the beat, Wavmanbeats its 2 guys but i mostly watched Drew aka cLA wen he did his lives. These guys are dope asf beat makers hands down. I was next up in line and i already knew what i wanted. "Hello what can i get for you?" the guy said. I didnt look at him yet but then said "ill take the tonkatsu please" i was in aw tbh i knew him but he didnt know me which was weird tbh lol. "Tht $×.×× please" i handed him the money and i tried not to stare long cuz tht would just make me a psycho lol. "Umm excuse me but you cLA,Drew right,wavman?" I ask shyly. "Oh yea thts me,how did you know?" He says handing me my change and receipt. There was nobody next in line so the conversation continued." I watch your lives, mary?" I say. "Ay Mary wats up, its nice to meet you in person" he says putting his hand out for me to shake. I shake his hand and say" its nice to meet you as well". I went to a table and sat while i waited and then cLA (Drew) came to my table with my tray. "Thanx for showing love for wavman for real, really appreciate it, you live around here?" He asks. "You guys make sick beats hands down and no i actually am visiting for a few days" i say. "Thts good, hope you have fun here, and enjoy the food as well" he says handing me my tray. It looked so freaking delicious. "WOW! It looks so yummy,잘 먹겠습니다" i say. He walks away and continues to work.

A few minutes later i was full already didnt get to eat everything but damn it was good. Drew walked over to my table and said "how was it?" I looked up at him and said " it was very delicious thank you" he gives a big smile and then asks "can i sit for a minute im on my break" i nod signaling him yes. "Can i ask you something?" I say. "Sure wats up?" He says. I take out a drawing pad i had in my bag and a pen and open it up to a drawing i did after seeing one of his lives.

 I take out a drawing pad i had in my bag and a pen and open it up to a drawing i did after seeing one of his lives

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"If its not to much to ask for,may i have your signature please" i say handing him the items. "ey i remember seeing this when u posted it it came out really sick thank you. But Really? My signature?" He says kind of amused. I nod and he leaves his signature and a msg.
             To Mary
Thank you for loving wavman and listening to all our work and art we created. Hope you a great time in LA and hope to see you soon.
              -Dre aka cLA
"Thank you so much Drew i really appreciate it" i say. "Thank you your the 1st person to ever ask me for a autograph,i usually only sign for when i swipe my cards" he says laughing. I laughed along as well then said " wishing wavman the best and have a great one oppa,gotta leave already". He gets up from his seat and so do i. I aksed him if i can take a picture with him real quick and he tells me yes.  "Thank you Mary have a great time." He says. I say my good-bye and leave.

The time was coming closer,so i headed to the venue. I took a bus there. I double checked i had everything in my bag and had the gift. "Okay" i say to myself lightly.
I got off the bus and saw a few people there tht were in line. I was very early when i say very i mean it. "Wow im 4 hours earlier than what i thought" i say to myself walking towards where ppl where. " i just stood a little to the side of them. "Hey your here to see 1llionaire as well" a girl says. "Yea how about you?" I say kindly. "No, i have work unfortunately lol but my friend here is hes a huge fan" she says gesturing to the shy guy behind her. "Hello" he says shyly. "Hello, oh im Mary by the way nice too meet you" i say. We all shake hands and talk for awhile and we start seeing more ppl coming towards our way and standing in line.

"Well i gotta leave for my shift have fun everyone" the girl i talked to says. I waved good-bye. I talked to her friend a little more and he was a nice guy from what we talked on about. "Oh look the doors are opening already" he says and the ppl opening the doors signal us to walk towarss the booth for the bands and turn our tickets in.

It was pretty crazy in here. I was all the way in front of the stage thanx for me coming in extra early. But i felt kind of squished not gonna lie. I took out my phone too take a picture of the stage i knew it was empty but its a great start of a new memory in my life tht ive been dreaming about for years to live. We were exactly 25 minutes away from the show to start and i already started to feel the pushing and shoving from ppl on my both sides and the back. I was literally pushed up against the rail tht was infront of the stage. I started to hreath in and out and told myself everything will be fine.

(Next chapter gonna be about the showing starting and the outcome of it thanx for those who have read it much appreciated)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2018 ⏰

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