The Hatchery

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We woke up very fast. We had to be at the hatchery at 8:00. Sharp. We woke and went into the closet where we found a pair of clothes. The traditional Rider outfit before you get the custom armor that looks like your dragon with the scales.

After putting it on, we headed out. Before going to sleep we got a tour of the entire academy. So we would know where to go. It was only 7:00 so we had time to go to breakfast and get to the hatchery on time.

The Cafeteria had bacon, sausage, bread, and eggs. We grabbed our serving and sat down at a table next to the garbage and door nearest to the hatchery.

The bacon was dancing with my taste buds. It was nice, fresh, crispy bacon. Sebastian was enjoying it too. The bread was potato bread and was very delicious, light, and smooth. The eggs soft, light as well, and had a nice texture to it. It was 7:50 now. We looked at the time and got up gave the people our trays and we ran to the hatchery only 8 minutes away. We arrived 2 minutes early. But, there was someone already there. A female around our age.

Sebastian thinking he can pull her said, "Hey the-" and immediately got caught off by the woman "Not interested." She said. Sebastian was surprised and decided to leave it alone.

"Hi, I'm Ryan Stryker. Who are you?" I asked holding out my hand. She shook it and said, "Oh a gentleman. I'm Amelia Rodriguez." I nodded "Nice to meet you Amelia. This is my friend Sebastian." I said. He put his hand out. She shook it. "Sorry about earlier Sebastian." Amelia said. "Its all in the past now." He said. After that the Rider known as Nasu came up and said "Good morning. We shall now go into the Hatchery. Is everyone ready?" Everyone nodded. Nasu opened the doors. There were eggs everywhere. Red ones, copper ones, even magenta. "Go around the room and wait until you feel something pull you closer to it." Nasu said. We went around the room. Sebastian walked closer and closer to a teal green egg. I suspected it was a water dragon.

As soon as he touched the egg, it cracked, and a baby teal dragon came out of it. It had bright blue eyes. Sebastian picked it up and put it on his shoulder.

"There you go Tide." Sebastian said. "You named it Tide?" I asked. He nodded. "If it was a water dragon then yes, Tide it is."

I nodded and saw Amelia go close to a Yellow egg with black lightning marks on it. She touched the egg and a baby yellow dragon came out. "Aww." She said. She did the same as Sebastian and put it on her shoulder.

I failed to find an egg calling to me. "I don't think the eggs are calling to me or bringing me close." I said. "Come back tomorrow. We have more eggs coming in tomorrow​." Nasu said. I nodded.

Since it was the weekend we didn't have any classes until Monday.

I was staying up late and told Sebastian, "Hey I'm going out for a walk I'll be back soon." I grabbed my jacket and left.

I was kind of mad that Sebastian got his dragon before me. But, I was glad too, he was so happy and joyful.

But, I was walking by the forest and I felt like I wanted to go closer and closer. So I did. I found an egg with unknown markings on it. But it was black and blue.

I touched the egg and the same thing happened with Sebastian and Amelia's egg. The baby dragon came out. I picked it up. It was all black with hints of blue on the top of the head and going down. And it's pure blue eyes.

'Just like mine.' I thought. 'oh hi.' a voice in my head said. I heard that dragons are telepathic. "Are you my dragon?" I asked aloud. 'I am. Ryan.'

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