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The news spread around fast, Monica Fernandez was found alive, but barely breathing.
Even through she was stabbed multiple times in the stomach, nothing serious was hit. and luckily Rome and Ramsey found her in time.


"You know, we would look real good together. A hot babe like u with a jock like me, we would be like the power couple of the school," Rome says, while he and Ramsey walk to the spot to meet Monica.
"Yeah, because I totally want to be with you," Ramsey says sarcastically.
"I know, who wouldn't?," he says smirking as they round the corner to the spot.
"Oh my god," Ramsey screams seeing Monica's body lying on the ground. They both ran over quickly and checked her wounds.
"I got it, I got it, just go find help," Ramsey anxious voice says while taking off her jacket and putting pressure on her stomach.

End of flashback

Everybody was completely freaked out, they even upped security.
The scariest part is that there was somebody on campus who tried to kill someone and nobody had any idea who it was.

After a few weeks, life went on. After everything calmed down, they didn't even keep up extra security and everything went back to normal.

"Damn!, when can I hit that,"
Luke Hobbs says, smacking Letty's ass as she made her way across the football field.

"I suggest if you want to keep ur hand, you'll never touch her again," Dom says coming out of no where.
Letty has always hated when people underestimate her.

"And what exactly are ya gonna do toretto," Luke's little sidekick deckard Shaw says, standing up for him.
"Rip him to fucking shreads if he thinks he can touch her like that. same for u," Dom says, grabbing Letty's hand and walking off.
"Dom, I could have handled it," Letty says angrily, snatching her hand away once their in the building.
"And don't talk as if I'm ur god damn property," she says, but can't help to smirk at how he stood up for her.
Dom smiles down at her, and kisses her just cause he couldn't help it.

Two weeks ago he broke up with cat.


" I need to talk to you about something," Dom says while closing his math book. They had been studying in his dorm for their math test when Dom finally convinced himself that its time. Letty was getting impatient and there were a lot of other guys waiting in line for her, and there was no chance he was losing Letty.
"What is it babe?," Catalina asks looking up from her book.
"Things have been different between us the last few weeks," Dom says slowly, watching for her reaction.
"I thought we were fine," she says sitting up from her laying down position, next to Dom on his bed.
"We were, it's just.... Ur the perfect girlfriend cat, you have never made me doubt it. It's just I'm not as attracted to you as I used to be,"
After the words come out, Dom immediately regrets them.

Tears fall from cats eyes
"Is it because I gained 7 pounds, I didn't even know it's noticeable," she says, on the verge of sobbing.

"No no, it has nothing to do with ur body. I didn't even know you gained any weight, and I don't even care about that. It's just ....that I met somebody else, and ever since I've met them. Things have been different,"

"Dom we've been together for two years ," Catalina says while grabbing both his hands.
" I know and I promise you I really did want this but things are different, I'm sorry but it's over. Hell, if u want, you can tell everyone u broke up with me," Dom says trying to make her feel better.
"Who is she?," she asks, but Dom stays silent.
"I'm not stupid, I noticed you started acting weird ever since SHE got here. I just thought that maybe.... I don't know, it was a phase,"
"It's not, I really want to be with her. I'm sorry,"

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