the plan

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this chapter is going to be in third person because i tried writing it in first person like four times and i gave up on that oops.

the moon became brighter and the sky became dark as millie sat in her bedroom, video chatting with her mother. millie's mother had left early that morning for a month long business trip.

'i already miss you so much mum!' millie cried.

'i miss you too millie! are you sure you don't need me to call aunt winona and uncle david to keep watch while i'm gone?'

'i'm sure' millie yawned and stretched her arms. 'well, i'm gonna go now. i'm soooo tired.' they exchanged their 'i love you's' as millie pressed the red button and sat back in her chair at her desk. she continued filling out her invites for her newly made friends.


outside, romeo zipped up his windbreaker and slowly closed his front door shut. he made his way over to the gate where he saw where the strange boy has been entering each night. romeo pulled out the note that said "meet me at the pond -millie xoxo"
he grinned deviously as he ripped a piece of scotch tape and taped it onto the  entrance to millie's yard. sneakily, he made his way up to her window and prayed that it was unlocked...and it was.


millie heard the door open from behind her but she didn't look up.

'hey finn, you're here early.' she let out a small giggle.

romeo crept over to her nightstand and flicked her lamp off causing the room to go dark.

'finn?' she asked a little bit of worry in her voice.  before she turned her head around she felt a pair of lips smash into hers.  those weren't finns lips she thought to herself as she struggled to wriggle out of their arms. millie felt as if she was suffocating in his cologne as he began to kiss her neck and pull her hair.

'stop it!' she cried, trying her best to push him off of her. romeo disobeyed and pushed her against her wall and forced his tongue in her mouth. tears streamed down millie's face as she kept calling out finn's name.


finn made his way up to millie's gate like he had the previous nights when he was stopped by a note tacked onto the gate.

'meet me at the pond..millie xoxo' he said to himself, he shrugged and headed out for the woods.


millie tried to punch him in his chest as he hovered over her as she cowered in the corner of her bedroom. romeo continued to cover her in wet, sloppy kisses until she had an idea that came to mind. she fumbled her hands on the nearby desk and managed to grab hold of a paperweight that was quite heavy. just as romeo went to tug her shirt off of her back she forcefully brought it to the back of his head.

'jesus christ!' he yelped and grabbed the back of his head as a bit of blood trickled out, his eyes rolled back and he was unconscious on the floor. millie slipped away from under his arm and headed out her window to run away from him. she whipped her head back at the sight of the boy laying on her floor with blood trickling from his head. her heart was beating fast as she went out to find finn.


finn  pulled back the plants and peeked his head in.

'millie?' he asked, scanning the water and the rocks. he didn't see her, finn tried calling her name again but she didn't answer. he began to feel sick as pressed his lips together and swallowed.
a faint noise made finn jump, it was a voice, a girls voice. it gradually became louder until he could make out what they were saying.

'finn?' it was millies voice.. he jumped up and ran to the borders of the woods.

'millie... where are you?' he questioned.

'i'm right here. j-just follow my voice.'

finn nodded and stepped towards the sound until it became clear and audible, he saw her shivering, crying and her shirt was covered in droplets of blood.

'millie!' he ran over to her and scanned her face seeing how red and puffy her eyes were and how her lips were swollen.  she stood there and quivered her lip until she couldn't help but let the tears break free and fall down her cheeks. finn scooted closer to her, wrapped his arms around her and placed his chin on top of her head. her crying began to stop and she sniffled into his chest.

'millie what happened?' he whispered soflty into her ear. she opened her mouth so speak but her breath hitched and she shook her head.

'l-let me show you.' she managed to say as she stood up. finn nodded and followed millie back to her house. finn's thoughts raced back and forth, there was blood on her shirt, why the hell was there blood on her shirt? he thought to himself as he frantically walked back to the house.

millie's hands were shaky as she managed to open the lock on the gate. the two crawled up to her window as finn popped it open.

'so what did you want to show m-' finn's eyes widened at romeo on the floor, he looked back at millie.

'w-what did he do?' his voice was shaky as he believed he already knew the answer.

millie's breath hitched as she pulled back her hair to reveal the discolored marks on her neck.

'he wouldn't stop' she said as she wiped away a tear that was trickling down her cheek. finn bit the inside of his cheek and walked over towards romeo.

'hey douchebag' he said, shaking romeo awake.

'hello?' he asked confused until he met finn's deathly glare and he swallowed.

'what the fuck was that for?' finn spat at him.

'wh-what was what?' romeo's voice trembled as he began to make his way towards the window. millie watched from across the room with her arms crossed across her chest.

'you're not going anywhere you little shit.' finn grabbed romeo by the back of his shirt and pushed him onto the ground.

'apologize for what you did.' finn's eyes were narrowed at the scared boy on the ground.

'i-i'm sorry' his voice trembled as he met millie's glare.

finn crouched down and got up in romeo's face. 'ever come near here again, your ass is grass.'

he nodded and scurried to the window and ran back to his house. millie came towards finn and wrapped her arms around him and enclosed him in a tight hug. he carefully put his arms around her, being cautious due to what she just went through.

'thanks' she half smiled and pulled away from the hug.

'um are you okay now' he asked, shifting on his heels.

'yeah, i think so' she paused 'um finn.'


'could you just stay' she looked down and softly bit her lip.


millie smiled back and pulled a few pillows and blankets for finn and laid them out on her floor.

'thanks' he smiled and crawled underneath the fuzzy blanket and propped his head up on the pillow.

'night finn' she laid back on her bed and pulled the comforter  over herself.

'night princess.'


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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