Fateful Night

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I was sitting in my room on my bed hating life. I had been replaying the out break from three days ago. Tears filled my eyes as I replayed it once more
"YOU WHAT?!??!?!?" King screamed from the top of his lunges. I cursed at myself in my mind and shrank back from him and Ban's murderous eyes. "Look it wasn't my fault-" "NOT YOUR FAULT?!?!? YOU MURDERED MY SISTER AND BAN'S LOVER!!!! NOT ONLY THAT YOU LIED ABOUT BEING A DEMON!!!!" I looked at them hopelessly knowing I couldn't convince them it wasn't my fault. "Don't you see that was when I wasn't who I am now. That's when I hated everyone and did what a demon does best. Makes deals and Kills people." Ban exploded and screamed at me. "YOU BITCH YOUR STILL A MURDERER!!!!!!  ALL YOU DO IS KILL FOR NO REASON AT ALL ALL YOU'VE EVER DONE IS KILL AND HURT OTHERS!!!" I flinched an attempted to hide my tears. I was the eighth sin one that was forgotten. I was once known for my stone cold heart and never showing emotion. That was until I learned of My sibling Meliodous and the one I love Ban still being alive. I knew Ban didn't love me back but I didn't care. It was pain I became numb to once again like all my others. "Who made the deal with you?!"  King screamed . "I can't say. It's against the laws I follow." i replied softly. Ban and King only became even more angered. "I'm sorry..." I sqeaked. "Oh she's fucking sorry!! Makes life a whole lot fucking better!!!" King shouted. "It wasn't my fault." Suddenly I felt myself being forced into the wall as Ban started ramming fists in my gut and jaw. I didn't fight back only let him beat me. He started slamming me into the wall cracking it. Soon I fell through and landed hard on the floor in the other room. Blood poured from my mouth. I couldn't die like Ban so I had no fears for my life. Only fear of losing my best friend. Ban stepped into the room as Meliodous threw himself at him and forced him away. "ENOUGH BAN LEAVE HER ALONE!!!" Meliodous screamed. Ban glared down at me and left the Boar. I laid there not wanting to get up. King snorted and walked off angered.
Now I was alone in my room. Meliodous attempted to get me out for food but I kept refusing. Not that his meals didn't taste good hell I ate rotten carcasses and still do. It was because I only wanted to stay in my room in the darkness. He finally gave up and brought meals that I didn't touch. I heard distant footsteps heading for my room. I sighed and stood walking over to my door. I opened it and froze with my mouth open. I was originally going to get Meliodous to leave as he attempted to give me a meal. But in front of me was the last yet only person I wanted to see. Ban stood there. At least his life source. I was completely blind as well as my eyes where different colors one eye being was black with a white pupil while my other was a normal dragon eye red. I slowly backed up as tears fell down my cheeks. "Ban please." I begged not wanting to be beaten again. Especially if Meliodous doesn't stop him this time. Ban's life source flickered as he walked in and closed the door. I sobbed knowing there was no way Meliodous would save me now. I fell onto my bed and pushed myself against the wall as he walked closer. He slowly leaned over my small figure with one knee on the bed. I sobbed more as he slowly opened my legs crawling closer to me. Soon enough I had my legs closed around his hips and he hovered in front of me. No scent of alcohol was on his breath as it hit my cheeks and lips. He slowly leaned forward grazing my lips with his. He gently took my wrist and I felt my eyes clear up. I saw his face and body. I gasped and looked into his eyes and saw the deep red he had enclosed in them. I saw every scar and muscle he had on his body. He looked deep I my eyes and down to my lips. "I love you." He said in his husky voice making me blush. "B-Ban... please..." he hushed me with his finger and gently leaned forward pressing his lips to mine. I drew a sharp breath and leaned my head into the wall. He pulled my lips apart with his and slipped his tongue in my mouth not letting any part left untouched. He pulled away as saliva strung between us. "B-Ban?" I said as he looked down my entire body running his hands along it as well. "Your so beautiful. Why didn't I notice from before?" He lifted me and laid my on me bed properly and removed his jacket throwing it then looked down at me. "I'm sorry Ban please don't..." I felt  fear rise as I figured out what he was planning to do. He gently leaned down and kissed me. "Please Chaos..." he said. I felt my eyes widen. No one ever called me by my real name for fear of the Holy saints the three angels coming after me to kill me and anyone in accompany to me. "Please let me do this.... I need it..." Ban said. He sounded so serious and sincere. I couldn't figure out what my heart felt. It wanted this yet it was afraid. "Ban.... I-I...." he smirk slightly against my cheek. "Come on.... you know you want this hot body...." I blushed. Looks like I spoke too soon. There's that asshole I loved. "P-please.... just be gentle...." I asked gently placing my hands on his shoulders. "Hell ya.." he started kissing my neck lovingly with gentleness I never expected him to have. I slowly reached up to his hair and ran my hands through his white locks.  He purred against my neck and gently bit down making me yelp. "B-Ban!! I said gentle!!" I protested gently pushing up my chest trying to force him off. That was a bad mistake on my part. Ban instantly took this as his chance to attack my breasts. He pushed my arms up removing my shirt. He threw it across my room then started to attack my chest with love bites and kisses. I tried to stop my moans from escaping. I couldn't let Ban see what he was doing to me. Especially when I still wasn't positive of his intentions. He could just be using me for sex only to beat me horribly after his high was over. I couldn't stand knowing this. I really wanted to love him and enjoy this but I couldn't not knowing his true intention. "Ban I can't! I don't want to be your toy. I can't do this. If this is how your going to treat me then forget it. Go back to hating me and forgetting my existence." I looked away from his gaze and pushed on his shoulders. He pulled back and hovered there. "C-Chaos.... I don't want to forget you.  I love you truly." he gently picked up my hand and kissed from my palm all the way to my ear. "I only left because I was hurt. Hurt that I hurt you and Hurt because your actions with killing Elaine but I will forgive you in time. Please understand. I love you so much it hurts." I looked up not believing those words that just left his mouth. I felt myself slowly reach up and place my hands on his cheeks. He flinched then leaned into my touch and placed his hands on mine. "Love..." I whispered and started to gently run my thumb over his cheek. "Love... I love you and I never meant to hurt you." I kissed him and rested my head to his. "I know Chaos You never meant to hurt me plus your other reasons. I forgive you just please." He slowly opened his eyes and gave me a deep yet gentle look. "I love you. That's all. I'll move on. Eleine is gone and now I love you." I closed my eyes thinking. Suddenly I felt Ban's warm lips press against my neck causing me to squeak. My eyes snapped open and I pushed up to him. My body pressed against his allowing me to feel his hardened nether region. His throat rumbled with a deep moan. I started to gently grind into him making more friction. If it was some how possible Ban became even more hard. I slipped my hand down into his back pockets gently squeezing. Ban chuckled and slipped his pants down lower on his hips. Gently he removed my bra throwing it across the room kissing down my mounds of flesh. "B-Ban! That tickles!!" I giggled and ran my hands through her hair. "Does it now?" he asked smirking and licking up while running his fingers up my side. I giggled more and covered my mouth. "Ban!!!" I said through my laughter. He took this opportunity to kiss me again and slip his tongue into my mouth. I gently kissed back loving every moment of this. Ban slipped his hands down and removed my shorts throwing them along with the rest of my clothes. I became very nervous and covered my body not wanting to show myself anymore. He wouldn't like how my body looked anyway. I had many scars and was only bones because my body couldn't store fat like others not to mention I never ate. Ban reached up and kiss my hands attempting to move them. "Please don't hide my love. Your so beautiful that I can't stand you hiding the beauty from me." he whispered and kissed my jaw wanting more. "O-ok." I removed my arms and let the air meet my bare skin. He looked up and down my body licking his lips. "So fucking hot." He sighed and kissed my collar bone. "B-Ban please don't speak that way." i pulled gently on his hair earning a tumbling moan. " Why not?" He asked kissing lower down my skin. I gently lifted myself into his touch. " Because that kind of speaking makes me feel horrid! I hate it! Plus..... that's how my father spoke to me during the abuse I consumed." I said suddenly self conscious once again. Ban looked up to me and smiled lovingly. "I will never hurt you like that I love you too much." He kissed my stomach and nuzzled my breasts. I sighed happily loving the feeling. "Mmmmm... Ban....." I moaned gently. His lips curled into a smile as he continued to pleasure my nerves. He moved lower to my panties gently nibbling at my hips. I tried to hide my giggles as he continued to tease me. I was very ticklish and hated it when people tickled me like this. I gently pulled Ban's cheek up to face me. "Don't tickle me please." I whined giving him puppy eyes. His chest vibrated against my nether region as he chuckled at me. "All right fine." he responded and started to slowly pull my panties down lower and lower kissing the new parts he uncovered. Soon enough my panties where across the room with my other clothes. I attempted to close my legs but was stopped by Ban's head quickly being in between them. "What did I say about hiding?" Ban asked looking at my womenhood while licking his lips. "That you d-don't like it." I mumbled moving my legs from the side of his head. Ban took my legs and put them over his shoulders tucking my calf in between his arm and ribs. He blew softly on my soaking womenhood causing me to shudder in excitement. Slowly Ban's tongue ran up my folds lapping up my juices. I moaned deeply and gripped at his locks attempting to get more pleasure. Ban lapped at me picking up his pace then suddenly forced his tongue into me. I yelped happily and tugged at his locks causing him to grunt in pleasure. I moaned loudly and came on his lips blushing instant;y. "I-I-I'm s-sorry!!" I stuttered covering my cheeks attempting to hide my blush. Ban licked my juices of his lips and cleaned off my womenhood lovingly. "Hmmmmmmm. You taste so good." Ban moaned. He moved back up to my lips and kissed them once again causing my juices to flow into my mouth. I moaned and licked at him. Ban pulled away then gently cupped my breasts squeezing softly not to hurt me. "I love how small you are. You fit perfectly in my hands." He whispered kissing my buds. "I thought you liked bigger breasts. I always assumed that considering what your like." I said breathlessly. Ban chuckled and looked up at me once again. "Well you assumed wrong." He said kissing me again. I nibbled on his lip earning a deep groan from him. He pulled away quickly and unzipped his jeans. I grabbed his hands stopping him. "I-I should warn you. I've never had sex before." I said nervous of what was in store. Ban kissed my hand rubbing gently with his thumb and smiled. "Don't worry. I'll let you control how you let me enter okay?" He said and I nodded. Ban flipped us so I could be in control. I reached down and with shaking hands pulled out Ban's member. He wasn't huge but an impressive size. I felt my nerves creep back as I realized this was going in me. Ban took my hands an looked into my eyes. "You don't need to do this." Ban said into my ear lovingly. I shook my head and spoke confidently. "Yes I do. I need this and so do you." Ban kissed my passionately hugging my fragile body closely. I gently pushed him into me making me scream. Ban made me bite his shoulder to muffle my pain. "Shhhhhh! We can't get caught yet plus the pain will go away I promise baby." Ban whispered to me. I whimpered as I pushed myself down further onto his member. Ban kept kissing and hugging me until I was comfortable. I slowly lifted up then back down causing a deep moan to erupt from Ban's throat. "Oh Chaos." He said resting on his elbows. I started to quicken my paced moaning with Ban to create beautiful music to our ears. I went faster hitting a place in me that caused my entire body to jerk harder into him. "Oh god Ban!!" I moaned as loud as I could so that we wouldn't get caught. I kept moving harder hitting the same spot over and over causing my womenhood to tighten on Ban. "Oh God I'm so close Chaos." Ban groaned thrusting his hips up harder. He met my paced and suddenly I came onto his member. I called his name out in pure bliss as his fluids filled my womb making more pleasure for me. I slowed to a stop panting from the high. Ban panted and looked up to me. He grasped my hips and kissed me with all of the love he felt for me. I kissed back with the same force then pulled away. "I love you so much Chaos." He whispered to me holding his forehead to mine. "I love you too Ban. With all my heart." Soon enough I was on his chest laying happily in hopes of sleep. I felt sleep take over my body but not before Ban had one last chance to kiss my lips and mumble "I love you." against them.

Ban x Reader lemonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon