On a windy day

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On a windy day

Amidst the summer

My heart played a prank

One big bummer

The hot breeze blew

Right past my face

I fell for you

My heart ablaze

You saw me coming

You knew it all

You flashed that wicked smile

You let me fall

I didn't think it through

I reckoned I knew you

You made me believe

The idea of love is true

And then I fell, flat and square

I looked up to you

But you just stared

And then it hit me

It hit me hard

Making me fall

You just played the card

I begged you to take me

I begged for my life

But you walked past me

You crossed me in one stride

And I lay up, weeping in my bed

I couldn't sleep

I wished I was dead

You disappeared somewhere

The light wasn't on

You gave me poison

Every day, a little of me was forever gone

I did stay up, all night I swear

I did stay up, wishing that you'd care

But you never turned back

Not even once

You wouldn't love me

You called it a "fat chance"

I could cut myself, I could do things you won't believe

I could die right there, with my heart on my sleeve

But I knew better, I chose not to show

The way I'm dying inside

The way I can't find my way back to the shore

And then I stood up again, carrying the mess

I stood up like a hero

I promised myself I'd shun the hopelessness

So I laughed a lot, I laughed till it hurt

I tried to walk past you,

Just like the way you left me in the dirt

And it changed nothing

Not one inch at all

I still couldn't sleep

The wounds still hurt from the fall

One night I was up late in my bed

One night, that's all, then I'd be dead

I did it all, I wrote my goodbye

I mustered courage, not one tear dropped off my eye

I felt numb 

As darkness was laughing in my face

And then it all changed

There was a twist in the race

Someone yelled, from the distance or so

Someone begged, please don't let go

It'll be al'ght, your wounds will heal I swear

I'll fix the broken pieces, I'm going nowhere

I can't do it, I can't, I said

Just let me go, just let me be dead

For you've been so nice

You don't deserve this at all

You don't deserve a girl

Who died in a fall

Maybe you're right,

Maybe, he said

But remember I'll love you

No matter whether you're dead

I reached out for him

I looked him in the eye

Even though I'd promised

I gave in for a hopeless cry

He came to me

He held me hard

He assured me

It'd take more than death, for us to part

But I knew better

I'd seen it all

That's what they said

Before you gave in, in the fall

So I smiled at him, I smiled one last time

Then I rushed past him, I couldn't take it a second time

And off I ran, I ran so fast

I didn't see it coming, and my body dropped off aghast

It kissed me in the mouth, then every part of my soul

It consumed me, my existence whole

And then slowly, I started, I started to part

Hazy at first, but at peace was my heart

They all rushed in, my mom, dad, and bro

The picked up my corpse, which the car hit one night ago

And just so it's complete

The tragedy of my life

It was again a windy one

The night when I died.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: May 25, 2014 ⏰

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Of Dusks And Dawnsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें