S1 E1: Pilot (preview)

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Julia flexed her thumb back in forth, clicking the pen. Over and over.

She'd been doing that for the past 20 minutes. It was bothering her fellow co-workers at Dunder Mifflin Paper Company, but she took no notice. She was listening to her boss Michael's conversation with Jim, her other co-worker, in the other room. Michael always had the weirdest and dumbest sayings, so listening to him was one of Julia's favorite things to do at work.

"Do you mind?" Dwight said from his desk. He didn't turn around to look at Julia, but it was clear who he was referring to. "It's disturbing my work routine."

Julia turned her chair towards Dwight, stopped clicking the pen, and laughed.  "Your work routine, Dwight? Really?"

Dwight set down his pen and turned around facing Julia, his face painted with annoyance. "Yes, Julia. My routine is the reason why I have the most sales in this office. I recommend that you follow my example." He turned around again and grabbed his pen.

Julia sighed as she too turned around, facing her desk once again. For the first time that day, Julia decided she would actually do work.

"We have the entire floor." Michael declared, swinging his right arm forward like a child showing off his new toy. "So this is my kingdom, the far as the eye can see."

Julia watched as he went over to the receptionist Pam to introduce her to the camera crew. Pam was Julia's best friend in the office. Of course, Pam and Jim were better best friends then Julia could ever hope to be, but this was enough for her. The two women didn't have inside jokes like Jim and Pam would continually have, but they could talk girl talk if need be, and were closer than Julia could have hoped.

"Any messages?" Michael asked Pam while leaning against the receptionist desk, still looking at the camera crew.

"Umm," Pam scratched her nose as she thought of a reply, that was a habit that she couldn't get away from, "Yeah, just a fax." Pam handed the paper to Michael, clearly wanting to be done with the conversation.

"Oh." Beat. "Pam, this is from Corporate."

"I know I--"

"How many times have I told you, that there is a special filing cabinet for things from Corporate?" Michael said, straight-faced, still looking at the fax.

"You never told me--" Pam defensively answered.

She was interrupted by Michael crumpling the fax with both his hands and throwing it pass her and into the trashcan. "The wastepaper basket!" He laughed a throaty laugh before looking back at the camera with a joking smirk.

Julia couldn't help but snort as she watched the scene. The snort didn't go unnoticed by Dwight as he dropped his pen in annoyance.

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Dwight took out his set of keys, unlocked his desk, pulled his phone cord, and inserted it into his phone machine. He did this all while singing Little Drummer Boy. To top off his act, drumming noises (throaty ones) followed the chorus. He ignored his co-workers, per usual.

Julia watched Jim's reaction while the scene was happening. She hadn't worked her very long, unlike Jim. So she felt bad that he had to have dealt with this for such a long time. Jim took it all with a grain of salt though, making sarcastic comments, playing pranks on Dwight, and hanging out in reception with Pam. Julia felt that she might be able to become good friends with the both of them, Jim and Pam. But they were both so absorbed with one another not to notice her. Jim and Pam--along with everyone else in the office--acted as if Julia was many years younger then each of them, while in reality, she was only two years younger than Pam.

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"I'm new here. That's pretty clear. I think they all are aware of that. I think." Pause. "Yeah. They know."

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"Wassup?!" Michael yelled at Dwight, Jim, and Julia.

"Wassup?" Came the annoyed voice of Jim.

"WASSUP?!" Yelled Dwight, overly aggressive.

"Wassup?" Julia responded, trying to come off as not awkward, but failing miserably.

"Wassup?" Michael said again.

Awkward pause. Julia shifted in her seat a bit. Dwight watched Michael, trying to copy his movements. Jim stared off and sighed deeply.

"What?" Said Michael, taking the deep sigh as a way to kill the pause.

"Nothing." Jim responded, as if inviting the awkward pause.

Julia snickered from her seat, earning a small smile from Jim, and a dirty look from Dwight.

"Alright." Michael headed towards the door. "See you later. Back to work!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2020 ⏰

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