The next day...

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The very next day you changed into your school uniform. Running out of the room, you finally made your way to the breakfast table.

The only seat left was next to Kouta. How coincidental...

" can sit here (l/n)-san..." Kouta said pulling his bangs into his face.

You sighed and walked over to him lifting his bangs out of his face.

"Wow! Like I thought you have beautiful eyes!" You said smiling.

His face heated up and turned red. The poor baby.


He was so embarrassed, but he was happy that the girl he liked for so long complemented the one thing he kept hidden.

"Why would you cover up your eyes like this Shinohara-kun?" You asked staring into his eyes. You backed off and sat next to him, releasing his bangs back into his face.

     [time skip to after breakfast!]

Deciding to walk to school with Kouta, you waited. He finally caught up to you, and you smiled. Curious as to why you waited for him, he opened his mouth to ask, but you answered before he could ask.

"I wanted to walk to school with you, because you interest me" You said smiling.

Delighted to hear you say that he interests you, he smiled and continued to walk with you silently.

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