The Beginning

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 The sea is a beautiful thing, something which I've always admired from afar. The sound of seagulls fighting, the smell of salt, the ocean wind turning my clothes into waves. Poetic it may seem but the vast ocean does scare me a little bit.  You hear of many stories revolving around the sea, mermaids, sirens, marines and pirates. An endless number of stories which you'll never get bored of. One of my favorites is about black beard, he may be a bad guy but hes doing what a pirate should do.

 I was told to never go near it as it holds many dangers. I was told that it was no place for a girl like me, as I am 'pleasing to the eye' according to my mother. She worries too much. But here's my question...

Whats life without a little danger?

*   *   *

Cove: All right you useless pieces of garbage! I am speaking! 

Cove Cobalt, captain of the Blue Falcon crew with a 10,000 bounty on his head.  Blue eyes and blue hair to watch, his hair was long and messy with dreadlocks. Coves tattoos covered have of his face and consisted of repeating patterns of roses and dandelions. He wore no shoes or shirt but loose pants and vest. The new trend of lower pirates as straw hat wears similar clothing. His voice bellowed like wind blowing through a valley in the mountain. Low and ominous.

Cove: We are heading to obtain the one piece, we may be lower ranking and weaker, but we will become stronger and we will show that weaklings like us can do something great! 

the crew cheered and raised their swords and shot their pistols into the air. 20 or so men with different array of colors and features. Cove -on the other hand- was the most noticeable as he was actually good looking. 

Hoku on the other hand was sitting in a water barrel waiting for the right time to appear. 

Hoku: this..... was a very bad idea..... 

 Hoku had long jet black hair, barefoot and wore a loose tank-top. Her shorts had many holes in them and she had a golden arm bracelet.Her golden eyes darted around to look for a safe place to escape, however that is hard when you're upside down. The barrel was upside down so there is no way for her to get out, unless she wants to make a ruckus and blow her cover........... Which is what shes doing -_- Hoku rocks the barrel back and forth until it lands on its side, and Hoku rolls out of the barrel a couple times until she lands in front of Cove. The whole crew staring in amazement. 

Hoku: Howdy! 

Cove: GET HER!!!

The crew caught her instantly. 

Cove: Who the hell are you? 

Hoku hangs upside down while Cove interrogates her

Hoku: nobody really, but I do want to find my family.

Cove: that's not what I meant kid. [he sighs] i meant your name?

Hoku: oh,  Monkey. D. Hoku

Cove: [rolls eyes] right right. So what, you're Monkey. D. Luffy's daughter or some crap?

Hoku: whaaaaat? Theres someone out there with the same name as me?

Cove: What? 

Hoku: Uh?

Cover: You cant be serious... Have you been living under a rock?

 Hoku: Kinda.

Cove: Well, Monkey. D. Luffy is one of the most famous pirates out there! unfortunately him and his crew have been missing for 2 years now...

Hoku: ehh... That's pretty cool.

Cove: Its a big world so I think you coincidence have the same name as him...

A crew member piped up and asked "What about your dad?"

Hoku: My dad? Oh, that's Monkey. D. Dragon.

Cove: [sweating] coincidence... defiantly coincidence.

The second inn command comes in, he had white long hair and sky blue eyes. He wore a white tunic and his golden rope belt held a pistol and a sword. He looked like royalty. 

Sven: I have a bad feeling about her.

Cove: what the hell you talking about.

Sven looks into Coves eyes, pointing at his own eyes and then pointing at Hoku. Cove pauses and looks back at Hoku.

Cove: you cant be serious...

Sven nods and walks over to Hoku,

Sven: Do you know what these are? [Points at Hoku's eyes] 

Hoku: i know what they are but i can't use them. they're just useless in my case hehehehe.  

The crew inch closer looking puzzled. 

Crew member 1: what is it?

Sven: She has golden eyes. Meaning she can do unthinkable things as the result.

Crew member 2: What the hell does that mean?

Sven: look into the future, past. A version of Haki but it's a natural ability. It is so accurate that we hunted them many years ago to the break of extinction.

Hoku: whoaaaaaa i didn't know that, that's so cool!

Sven: Cool?

Hoku: yeah i didn't know you could do those things. Its like a devil fruit which is pretty cool. Do you think i ca do that because i have been told its dangerous and all that but i was really never curious about it an- 

Cove: Shut up.

The atmosphere suddenly changes, Cove's eyes became intense. He took a loose piece of cloth and covered Hoku's eyes.

Hoku: Dude what the hell???

Cove: We don't want any trouble and we certainly don't want you to bring doom on us. If you are telling the truth that your name is Monkey. D. Hoku, that means you will sell for a very very high price. 

Hoku: Get this blindfold off! [struggles] you know i cant use them ahhggg!!

Cove: You are the straw hats sister, the daughter of the revolutionary leader and a seer. Boys? How much do you think we can get from her??

Sven: Cove... you are a genius. 

The crew bustled with noise talking about that amount of money they can obtain and the things they could buy. How money can make a human a monster amazes me... 

They decided to sail to Sabaody Archipelago and take Hoku to the Human Auctioning House. The adventure that she wanted to go on did not go as well as she planned.

Hoku: The pirate kings sister.Where stories live. Discover now