The Hero

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* I do not own any of the characters, all right goes to Capcom.*

NOTE: This is post-RE6, where Piers survived the mission with Chris, but was left with scars on the left side of his head and arms. The virus was still inside his body, leaving him with a type of antibodies.


Chapter 1:

Victoria's POV

It was a normal day like any other. Everybody on the street was hurrying off to work, while I was going to enjoy my day off with hitting the gym to start the day with. On my way I greeted my neighbour walking the dog. "Good morning Victoria!" He waved at me. I slowed down, stopping to chat a little. "Good morning to you too, James. Have you heard about th-" I was suddenly interrupted by a plane flying straight over our heads. James' dog snarled at the plane. I kept my eyes on the plane when I saw something strange. "Is that?" I asked, pointing  at the plane. What looked like a bomb was heading straight for us. I didn't have time to think, I grabbed James' hand and started to run. I then felt a huge force hitting me from behind, making me fly straight to the concrete, smashing my shoulder, and ripping it open. The moment my body hit the ground everything went dark.

Piers' POV

I was making my way through the smoke, looking for my unit and civilians. Damnit it, I thought. It was my first day back on the field months spent in a recovery-center, and I already managed to get myself in trouble. I was focusing on my enviroment, carefully making sure I didn't leave anyone behind.

I walk alone

Thinking of home

Memories of long ago

No one knows I lost my soul long ago

As the lyrics of "On My Own" was playing through my head, I noticed someone laying on the concrete. Maybe this is my lucky day, after all, I thought, as I hurried over to the person. It was a girl, 20-22 take and give a few years. What really caught my attention was the injury on her shoulder. Blood was streaming right out of it, covering the street with blood. I ckecked her pulse, and felt a relief as I could feel her heartbeat, it was faint, yes, but at least she was still alive. I ripped the arm of the shirt off, giving me a clear view of the wound.

I didn't waste anymore time, out of my backpack I took out clean cloth, applying direct pressure on the wound on her shoulder. I felt panic as I saw blood soaking through the fabric, while still keeping pressure on her shoulder, I fumbled in my backpack, looking for another cloth. "Fuck.." I softly wishpered. I took a good hold of my shirt and ripped a bit off it, applying even more pressure. I raised her arm carefully over her heart, trying to slow the bleeding. "C'mon" I said, while wrapping a bandage around her shoulder, hoping that she would come to her senses any minute. I re-checked her pulse, feeling her heartbeat growing stronger. "Thank God." I said, taking out a couple of painkillers, hoping that this would ease her pain, once she woke up.

I sat beside her, checking if my gun was loaded, when I heard a soft moan escape her mouth. "Hello, can you hear me?" No answer. I slightly raised my voice, repeating the same sentence. Suddenly her eyes flickered and they opened. Two clear blue eyes stared in to my own hazel eyes. The girl slowly sat up, looking around. "Careful, you are badly injured." I said, giving her the pain killers. She took them without a word, and swallowed them at once. "Where am I?" she asked, her voice husky, probably from all the sudden smoke.

"In an outbreak."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2014 ⏰

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