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~Hajime's POV~

I sat at my desk filling out my daily paperwork. "Um excuse me sir the warden would like to see you." Seitarou said poking his head through the door. I looked up at him nodding my head. "Alright thanks. Take care of cell thirteen while I'm gone." I said standing up. "Yes sir."

I went and walked through the halls. 'I wonder what she needs?' I thought closing my eyes.

~Shira's POV~

"I win." I said placing my cards down. Uno sat there shocked his eye twitching slightly. "NO WAY!" He yelled standing up. Rock just laughed at this holding his stomach. "Hahaha! Oh man you just got your ass kicked by Shira!" He laughed loudly. I just sat there silently.

'I'm hungry...' I thought placing a hand on my stomach. 'Plus my throat is really dry.' I went and placed my other hand on my throat. "You alright Shira?" Jyugo asked sitting next to me. I glanced over at him nodding my head. "Yeah I'm just thirsty is all." He nods his head at this.

"It's almost time for lunch anyways." He said. I nod my head at this. "That's good. Plus I get Uno's lunch today." I said showing him my cards. He smirked at this. "I CALL A REMATCH!!" Uno yelled at me. Meanwhile Rock was smiling to himself.

"Maybe Shira will share her extra lunch with me." I look at him and nod. Uno just growls gritting his teeth. "One more time! If you win you'll get my lunch and dinner! But if I win...heh you'll have to give me a kiss." He said tilting his hat up slightly.

This caused the other three to stiffen slightly. "Deal." I said confidently. "SHIRA DON'T LOSE!" Rock yelled quickly standing up. "You can do it Shira! I believe in you!" Nico cheered happily. "Hey Uno that's playing dirty!" Jyugo protested. Uno just smirked as he sat down in front of me.

"Whatever let's do this." He said shuffling the cards.

~Hajime's POV~

I reached the wardens office only to see some of the other supervisors. "What are you all doing here?" I asked. They just glanced over at me. "I heard you got a new prisoner in cell thirteen Hajime. Who is it do tell?" Kiji asked leaning his chin into his hand.

"That's none of your business." I said walking past them. "...You smell familiar." Kenshirou spoke causing me to glance over at him. He sat there glaring up at me. "What are you hiding Hajime?" He asked. I just looked at him for a moment before walking towards the wardens door.

"Like I said mind your own damn business." I mumbled. I went and knocked on the door waiting for her to allow me in. "Come in." She spoke calmly. I went and entered her office seeing that stupid monkey standing next to her again as usual.

"You wanted to see me warden?" I asked calmly. "Yes it's about the transfer." She said. I glanced over at Samon. 'No one else besides the warden and my crew know about number one being back here.' I thought to myself before looking back at the warden.

"Tell me. How is number one holding up?" She asked her eyes narrowing. I noticed Samon flinch his eyes going wide in shock. 'Guess it won't stay secret for long.' I mentally sighed before speaking. "She's doing good. She doesn't seem to be having any problems with cell thirteen." I said calmly.

I watch as she nods her head. "I see that's good. Has she talked about anything lately?" She asked. I could tell where she was going with that question. "No. She's been keeping it low and quiet." I said. She nods closing her eyes. "I see. That is all then you may leave." I nod at this turning to leave.

Once I made my way out of her office I went towards the exit door only to stop when I heard Samon come running out yelling to me. "DAMN YOU HAJIME IS IT TRUE?!?!" He shouts causing everyone to look up. "Is what true?" I asked glancing back at him. He stood there with an angry but pained expression.

"Is she really back?! Do you really have number one in your custody?!" He shouted. I noticed Kiji and Kenshirou's eyes go wide as they looked over at me. I stayed silent for a moment before sighing. "Yes number one is in my custody. She has been for a week now." I mumbled.

No one said a word. I could feel the tense atmosphere. "Why didn't you tell me?" He whispered. I looked back at him seeing him clenching his fists and gritting his teeth. "Why should I she's just some prisoner who's considered scum." I sighed. "YOU TAKE THAT BACK!" Samon yelled furiously.

Kiji went and placed a hand on his shoulder to try and calm him. "I'd watch that tongue of yours Hajime. We all know why Shira become like this." Kenshirou spoke calmly as he stood up. "Next time I hear you say something like that I'll make sure you regret it." Was all he said before turning to Samon.

"..." I didn't say anything as I left the room heading back to my building.

'Shira...' I thought closing my eyes.

~Samon's POV~

I sat down holding my head in my hands. "Damn that Hajime." I cursed. "To think he'd say such things about her." Kiji mumbled shaking his head. Kenshirou only sighed closing his eye. "He should watch his tongue." He mumbled. I just stared down at the floor my eyes filling with guilt and sadness.

'Shira...I'm so sorry.' I thought closing my eyes.

"No! Stop! What are you doing?! Please don't do it!"

I grit my teeth squeezing my eyes together.


Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Kiji smiling down at me. "Now. Now. Let's not be like this. We have work to do." He said. I looked at him for a moment before nodding my head as I stood up. "Yeah." I mumbled before walking out.

'Shira...the guilt from what happened that day keeps growing...I need to see you again.'

~Hajime's POV~

I stood in cell thirteen seeing a sulking number eleven while the other guys cheered around Shira. "The hell happened when I was gone?" I asked. "Oh well you see number eleven challenged number one to a card game. The first time he lost his lunch and now he's lost both his lunch and dinner for the day." seitarou said smiling.

"I see. Didn't think she'd beat him with how he cheats." I said impressed. "Ehe well you see...she had a little help with that." He laughed nervously. I hummed glancing down at him. "You see Uno said if she lost the second time she'd have to kiss him." This caused a small ticked mark to appear on my head.

"Is that right?" I asked glaring over at number eleven who flinched slowly turning his head towards me. "Uh... Hajime?" He asked nervously. "ALRIGHT! LETS EAT!" Number sixty nine cheered happily as everyone followed him. Number eleven growled quickly standing up.

"NO WAY ARE YOU GETTING ANYTHING FROM WHAT SHIRA WON!" He yelled chasing after them. I only sighed shaking my head.

"These morons."

*To Be Continued*

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