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Main character: Lucian Brady Smith
Physical Gender: male
Gender identity: cisgender
Sexuality: pansexual, panromantic
Voice headcanon: Misha Collins
Physical human description: blond hair with darker highlights, tan skin. Average height, slim and not muscled. Size eight shoes, hooked nose, average lip size, almond shaped eyes and green eyes. One crooked pinkie finger from a previous broken bone.
Physical wolf description: pale sunset yellow with flecks of grey, brown, and red. Timber wolf. Light bones and thin coat, narrow muzzle. Notch in an ear and scars on his front legs. Unnaturally thin tail. Thin from being deprived of sufficient prey. Brown eyes.
Rank: mid-ranker in both packs
Mate: currently unknown


Antagonist/secondary main character: Ferdinand 'Vilan' Aryant
Physical gender: male
Gender identity: cisgender
Sexuality: homosexual, demiromantic
Voice headcanon: Hugh Dancy
Physical human description: long black hair, harsh dark blue eyes. Pale skin due to lack of sunlight. Taller than most, thin and not muscled. Scars on his back and on his wrists, due to suicidal tendencies. Thin lips and a small nose, almond shaped eyes.  Scarred lips, as if they had once been sewed together. High cheekbones.
Physical wolf description: grey wolf, thin and slender. Very feminine looking. Narrow bones and fluffy ruff around his cheeks. Grey with black and small brown flecks on his legs. Tall, long teeth. Amber eyes. Size nine shoe.
Rank: 2nd Beta
Mate: currently unknown


Secondary character: Alexandra 'Odolvena' Zillia
Physical gender: female
Gender identity: genderfluid
Sexuality: asexual, demiromantic
Voice headcanon: Christopher Jackson
Physical human description: black hair, long and curly. Likes to keep it in a ponytail. Streaks of dark blue and green in hair, white tips. Brown eyes. Freckles on face, over the bridge of her nose and along her arms. Olive skin but not tanned. Tall and slender, feminine build. Thin lips, narrow eyes. Long thin fingers, very long legs and arms. Tallest of the pack. Scar on her lip that curls the top lip a little upward. Size ten shoe.
Physical wolf description: black wolf, brown and grey markings on flanks, legs, muzzle, tail. Not a dark black. Amber eyes. Slender, long legs. Elegant and graceful form and movement. Scar on muzzle.
Rank: 1st Beta
Mate: Avarus


Secondary character: Brian 'Ivin' de Villers
Physical gender: male
Gender identity: cisgender
Sexuality: heterosexual, demiromantic
Voice headcanon: Sam Tsui
Physical human description: Light ginger hair, messy and long. Mullet style. Hazel eyes. Eyes turned downward. Small round face, short height. Lots of freckles. Pale skin. Blue eyes. Soft skin, no scars. Small feet - size five shoe. Long arms but shorter legs.
Physical wolf description: white and grey underfur, light brown and red markings on muzzle, face, ears, brows, tail, and back. Thin legs. Shorter wolf, green eyes. Small ears. Wide muzzle, narrow face.
Rank: Omega
Mate: Currently unknown


Secondary character: Lilith 'Avfeon' Marsiva
Physical gender: female
Gender identity: non-binary
Sexuality: homosexual, demiromantic
Voice headcanon: Halsey
Physical human description: Short, almost average height. Black hair, wavy, often tied in a messy bun. Brown eyes. Almond shaped eyes, wide in the centers. Long lashes. Size five shoe. Tan skin, muscled. Scarred on her fingers. Freckles on her face but nowhere else. Narrow face. Long nails. Long arms compared to her body. Slim but muscled. Slightly curvy.
Physical wolf description: black wolf, large and muscled. Long legs, slim and muscled. Slender features, quite beautiful. Sharp teeth, large and rounded at the base. Slender ears, right one torn. Scars on shoulders and on muzzle, one small scar nicking her left eye. Battle worn but looks surpassingly friendly.
Rank: Alpha female
Mate: Bakena

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