Chapter 20

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Ashley's P.O.V

I sat up in bed and let out a long sigh,

Me: well it's my birthday mmmmmm I wonder what time it is.

I grabbed my phone and turned it on to see the time my wallpaper was of Chloe and I.

Me: oh shit damn so much for that early workout

I had begun to plan that I would do an early morning work out well god help me it's 11:31 oh no wait it's.............11:32 there we go. I throw my sheets back and turned so my feet where on the floor and my butt still on the bed. I stood up and did a stretch not before I tripped over and did a belly flop except it wasn't onto water.

Me: good one ash ouch that actually really hurt.

I stood up again and walked to wards the door. I opened it to.... be dripping with purple paint.

Me: oh that's it boys that's it BOYS!!!

I went storming down wait correction went sliding on my belly down stairs. Can life get any worse oh wait it can since when did they sit a couch there I thought before I crashed into it

Chloe: hahaha happy birthday girly oh and um never mind

Me: Chloe what

Chloe: oh just that you might of been recorded on tape as you fell down the stairs

Me: agh

I stood up and headed to the kitchen i looked in the fridge and grabbed a bar of chocolate. I walked back out of the kitchen not to be greeted by the floor again

Chloe: Why are you hugging the floor?

Me: The floor needed a hug

Chloe: Why are you crying?

Me: It was an emotional time

I said as I stood up.


Mike: WHAT THE HELL ohhhh who's chocolate

He said as he picked

It up just as he was about to eat it I slapped it out of his hand

Mike: hey I was eating that

Me: hey I'm covered in paint!!

I said then walked up to my room. I grabbed a bunch of clothes and went into the bathroom I turned on the water and stepped in I cleaned myself off so there wasn't any more paint on me. I got up an chucked on a pair of jeans and a singlet.

I walked down stairs to see the rooms dark and I began to panic as flash backs begun to appear. Then all if a sudden the lights flicked on

Everyone: BOO

Well let's just say the scared me shit less. I screamed really loud and long and after that I cracked up and fell to the floor with laughter and mike ran up to me worried. Well I did look like I was choking so I can't really blame him

Mike P.O.V

I rushed over to Ashley cause I thought she was choking but she was laughing. I love it when she laughs but no noise is coming out so she sits there clapping like a retarded seal. Well let's just say she wasn't the happiest she picked her self up and walked to the kitchen grabbed a can of oh not she doesn't I slowly back away then hid in the towel cupboard I didn't want to be sprayed so I stayed hidden I didn't want to get sprayed.

Ashley P.O.V

Me and the others grabbed eggs and spraying cans and hid we new where he went but we pretended that we stopped. We all hid behind the couch waiting for he to come. We heard footsteps and we began getting ready to have a food fight mike who was versing me, chloe, luna stacy, alpha, sam, Corey, Reggie (Regina), and Tess. Mike stood just on front of the couch I was behind. He took a big sniff and his face palled as we all jumped up threw eggs and sprayed him. He grabbed some whipped cream and started chasing after Tess and I chased after to help my team mate Reggie and Chloe where not far behind me as we all jumped up and tackled a poor unsuspected mike and Tess turned around and stuck her tong out like she was the boss.

Back in the lounge room Luna Stacy and alpha where just starting at us and shook there heads knowing what was happening next so the left and went to go clean up. Where as Corey and Sam they where basically cracking themselves with laughter. We all looked at each other meaning mike me Tess Reggie and Chloe and we all shook our head in agree meant as we stood up and using put werewolf speed we charged at Corey and Sam with cans and eggs at the ready. As soon as they saw us they were to late we had already taken them down and covered with our now squashed and empty weapons.

We all headed towards the shower getting ready for the dinner tonight. I stripped and stepped into the shower enjoying the warmth it gave. But put of not where my stomach turned and my head was pounding I let out a scream then fainted.

I opened my eyes to be in a white room and I say a wolf walking towards me, my own wolf... Skylar I let out another steam somehow as I could still feel the pain.

Hey hon shhh it going to be alright

What's happening skylar what's happening

Something..... something ash is about to happen I can feel just like you the pain it's a sign

How do you know that sky

My instinct hon we are obviously put together because the moon goddess knew we both held a power we have not even uncovered yet but...... I think we may just have unlocked a gut feeling whatever it is I think that is one of our power

Sky I'm just a human really that has wolf instincts and change to a werewolf that's all I don't have powers

But that's the thing ash this power belongs to you, you feel more pain because it's yours. Trust your gut ash it knows better then your head and it is telling us that we might have a problem

What could it be though sky

That is a question I'm asking myself hon. Just keep that power thing to ourselves until we understand it but let them know you have a gut feeling something is about to happen okay. ph and you better head back to land people I worried. Bye for now ash

I opened my eyes to see Mike, Chloe

Reggie and Alpha

Me: can you guys like get out I'm nude

I said a little bit conscious of them staring, you could actually see them all relax but they did what I asked as Chloe threw the towel at me I wrapped it around me

Alpha: what happened

Me: I am not clear of that myself yet my sky said to warn you we have a gut feeling something's going to happen whether it happen to us or someone else.

Every one looked at me as if I'm weird good thing Chloe gave me my towel



Dun Dun Duuun

Ok guys I don't know where to begin well here I start

I'm sooooo sorry I haven't updated in what a month or 2 but will you please forgive me I had massive writers block and I've been really busy with high school you could do it after school but technically I can't I've always got hockey on Wednesday is the only day that my family doesn't have some sort of hockey and then when there's no hockey there's homework when there's no homework there's assessment and if there's no assessment I'm busy around the house and if not busy around the house I'm to busy relaxing and being to tied. So can you please forgive me. And I have lost so many people with my book if I at least don't get a few votes at least 15+ I will keep the book but if I get below I will get rid of it. Yes I don't mean to sound all stupid and everything it's just I don't want to be writing and then no one reading the chapters I make at least some effort to write

Ok guys sorry about my rambling but please keep in mind at least no 15+ votes then there's no story I'll give it a week or 2 depending how resent the votes have been. And again please forgive me


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