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"When are you going to tell her?" Blair whispered to Ender as they passed each other in the kitchen a few days after the deadline. "I know that you know that I know."

"What?" Ender whispered back, looking across the open living area to make sure Ivy wasn't where she could overhear them. "You aren't even making sense."

"You know exactly what I mean. " Blair glared at Ender, trying her best to intimidate the guy. "She deserves to know."

"I know," Ender ran his hand through his hair, leaving his usual perfectly styled hair in disarray. "I know she does, and I want her to know. Truth is, I've just enjoyed being able to be me and it just kind of slips my mind a lot of the time."

"Look," Blair put her hand on Ender's arm, reassuring him that she did understand. " I get it, I really do. But like I said, she deserves to know and you can't assume that she will have a negative reaction. It could go fine and you will wonder why you didn't tell her sooner."

Blair excused herself as Ivy came into the room, jumping on one foot while trying to pull her boot on her other. The Christmas tree lighting at The Battery was tonight and she had spent way too long getting ready, so now she was borderline late. She was supposed to meet with some of the staff at The Battery to go over the itinerary for the night and she would just make it in time, as long as the traffic wasn't too bad.

"Love you, kiddo." Blair leaned over and kissed Ivy's cheek as she passed her. "You did a great job and I can't wait to see it all finished tonight."

"Thanks, B. I'll see you later?" Ivy questioned, wrapping her plaid scarf around her neck and smiling at Ender. "Are you sure you can't come?"

"I wish I could, pretty girl." Ender pulled Ivy into his arms, brushing her hair away from her face before framing her face with his hands. He took his time to let his eyes roam over her face before they landed on her lips, his lips following soon after. The kiss was slow and sweet, not like the heated kisses they had shared back at his place a few days ago, but still just as perfect. "I will see you after, though."

"I can't wait." Ivy pulled away to look down at her phone that was buzzing in her hand, seeing she had a message from Michelle, her boss. She stood up on her tiptoes, pressing a kiss to Ender's lips. "I just wish you would let me share some of the credit with you. You helped me so much. And now, I just worry that without the decorations to do, we may not see each other anymore."

Ender walked with Ivy to her car, opening the door so that she could climb in before moving to stand in between her legs that were dangling out the open door. "Now, why would you think that? I most definitely plan to see you after this." Ender let his hands run up and down her legs, smiling when she shivered under his touch.

"It's cold," she tried to explain her reaction, a blush forming high on her cheeks.

"Oh, you shivered from the cold, huh?" Ender playfully tickled her sides before patting her legs, motioning for her to get all the way in the car so he could close the door. "Be safe, take pictures, and text me when you are done, okay?"

Ivy nodded and gave a small wave as he backed away from her car. She headed to The Battery for the meeting, nervous butterflies forming in her stomach as the time got closer to the big reveal. She didn't remember the text from Michelle until she pulled into a parking spot and took a minute to unlock her phone and glance at the message.

"Ivy, I went to the site today to check out the decorations. You did amazing, as I knew you would. I won't be able to make it there tonight for the tree lighting as I will be in New York finalizing some things. I would like to extend you the promotion if you want it. I think you would be the perfect fit to head the New York expansion. You will find a plane ticket to New York in your email. Good luck with the ceremony tonight, keep in touch."

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