Chapter 2

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You woke up and yawned you stood shakily the barn doors opened and Hannah walked in and grabbed her whip and came over to you. She hit you with the whip "I am going shopping so you are gonna be lucky while I am gone I am putting you  in the pasture" she says harshly. She has put  you in the pasture and has gone but then you saw her truck pull up but then you saw the cops and Hannah seemed mad at the police and their was a blonde haired man standing with them but your gaze grew blurry and the blonde haired man looked at you and you fell and you could see his figure running up to you along with the police.

~time skip~
You woke up in a barn and you were in a stall that was clean and you saw fresh food and water in it "hola" you heard a horse say you looked over to were the sound came from and saw a black and  white paint with green streaks in her mane "hi my name is moon light yours?" You asked the horse "my name is Button" the horse said nicely "hi my name is scarlet" another horse said she was a beautiful black horse with red streaks in her mane "Nice to meet you scarlet" you say politely "my name is calypso" another horse said she was a brown Appaloosa with purple streaks in her mane "my name is aztec" you heard a stallion say he had a brown coat and blue streaks in his black mane "my name is sunburst" another stallion said which had a Yellow coat and a dark yellow in his mane "my name is Jimber" one of the stallions said he had black streaks in his mane he was a buckskin "my name chilli" the last stallion said he was a silver horse with purple streaks in his mane "my name is pepper" the last mare said she was a dark grey with blue in her mane. You fell to the ground before you could introduce yourself "Moon light? Moon light?!" You heard scarlet say you stood up shakily "ya I am alright" you say weakly "you don't sound fine" Button neighed "I am fine alright" you neigh "ok" Button said "actually I am not alright there's a reason to me sounding weak and you seeing my ribs and me having  bruises and rash's!" You snort "it's ok you can tell us" Aztec reassured you "ok well before I came my old owner Hannah she used a whip on me and never fed me and she kept telling me harsh things like I am will never make it, I am a failure and I should never of been born!" You snort when you say Hannah's name "well don't worry here at horseland all horse's are treated with respect" Jimber neighed "eat up" Scarlet urged. You looked at the fresh food and water and started to eat then Night fell and the blonde haired man came in and put blankets on everyone even you "Night Everyone" he said then you and everyone else fell asleep.

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