"Yo," Rin greets and raises her hand to them.

"Here's the deal. I hear the Captain's eating like a king, while us refugees have to feed off his scraps. Doesn't seem fair, does it?" Jet proposes stepping closer.

"What sort of 'king' is he eating like?" Iroh asks the boy.

"The fat, happy kind." At this Iroh's mouth is agape drooling. "You want to help us 'liberate' some food?" Jet asks Zuko, he stares down into at the bowl of gruel then looks at Rin, considering for a moment before hurling the bowl over the railing and takes Rin's hand.

"We're in," Zuko tells him turning around to face Jet

The Earth Kingdom ferry cruising beneath a moonlit sky, on the upper deck a guard passes by a lantern, Zuko stealthily leads Jet and Smellerbee upstairs and around the corner. They pause to look in the kitchen window, then slip around back, Rin is waiting for them by the door, they all pause in shock but get back to forcing the lock while Smellerbee keeps watching for guards, Zuko, Rin and Jet burst into the kitchen. Jet sweeps several hanging bird carcasses into a sack, Zuko uses his swords to nimbly stack eight bowls of food together, securing the stack with a ribbon while Rin grabs some bottles and the boys shoulder their sacks and turn to the doorway. "Guards coming!" Smellerbee whisper-yells to them and the four of them rush to the balcony edge, Longshot fires a line-strung arrow into the railing. Both bundles slide down the line, followed by the two freedom fighters and the arrow pulls free too soon leaving the FIrebenders behind. Rin gets out her Chain Scythe and jumps over the railing attaching the end as she swings and takes Zuko by the hand. They all make it in time as another lantern-bearing guard walks past and they make their way to safety.

The ferry, passing in the calm waters, on the main deck Jet passes out food to the thankful passengers. Iroh, Rin and Zuko sit eating their food with Longshot and Smellerbee. "So, Smellerbee, that's an unusual name for a young man." Iroh comments.

"Maybe it's because I'm not a man. I'm a girl!" Smellerbee retorts peeved and shoots Iroh a look, she gets up and walks off.

"Oh, now I see! It's a beautiful name for a lovely girl!" Iroh calls after her, Longshot quickly rises following after her and catching up with her, he places a hand on her shoulder, he steps in front of her, giving her a hard look.

"I know. You're right. As long as I'm confident with who I am, it doesn't matter what other people think. Thanks, Longshot." Smellerbee repeats, he nods a stern approval.

Zuko, Rin and Iroh sit down on the deck conversing with themselves when Jet sits down next to them calmly. "From what I heard, people eat like this every night in Ba-Sing-Se. I can't wait to set my eyes on that giant wall." Jet beams at them as he talks.

"It is a magnificent sight." Iroh agrees.

"Not really, it's just a wall," Rin grumbles not wanting to see the cause of painful memories.

"So you've been there before?" Jet asks the two.

"Once, when I was a different man," Iroh replies and looks away with regret.

"No, someone I knew did," Rin replies looking down at her hands with a look of hurt and grief.

"I've done some things in my past that I'm not proud of. But that's why I'm going to Ba-Sing-Se, for a new beginning. A second chance." Jet glances around the boat full of people.

"That's very noble of you. I believe people can change their lives if they want to. I believe in second chances." Iroh shares a meaningful glance with Zuko, while Jet studies them both, Rin finds it the prime time to leave the group, making it stand looking over the sailing at the vast scenery in front of her as a single tear falls down into the water below.

Avatar: Last Airbender - Fugitive RIn (Earth) ~FINISHED~Where stories live. Discover now