Chapter 2

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Stradwick threw me in the chair in front of his desk. He still throws me around like small child even though i'm seventeen now and only about two inches shorter than him.

"This job is in a state in america called monatana"

I sighed I've never been to the U.S, so there's no way I'd even be a bit familiar with it. He glared at me and continued.

"There a jewel called to asmerite jewel."

He slid a picture to me a showed me it. It was a green, purple, and blue jewel in the shape of guess this.......a wolf. How ironic. Strandwick looked at me with amusment in his eyes. I glared at him and snatched the paper from his hands walking out of his office.

"Your flight leaves tomorrow morning at six sharp."

I closed the door and walked into mine and Kira's room. I closed the door and headed towards the window, I was staring at the picture so intently that I didn't even hear Kira talking to me. Finally she screamed


I immediatly looked up startled.

"Morning Kira how did you sleep?"

"Good can you help me to the bathroom I need to get changed" 

I nodded and grabbed her wheelchair bringing it over towards her and helped her out of bed. I wheeled her to the bathroom and headed towards the dresser. 

"What do you want me to bring you"

"Grab my white shirt and black sweatpants"

I grabbed a white shirt and black sweatpants and a bra and underwear. I know it sounds weird for me to do that but I'm use to it by now. I handed her the clothes and she shut the door. She use to need help a few years ago but not anymore she's extremely indenpendant now. It's amazing and sad to watch my sister grow up though everytime I see her I can't help but I remeber I failed protecting her. I grabbed a pair of black shorts and a blue shirt and sat on the bed planning out how I was going to grab the jewel. Kira came out of the bathroom dressed and wheeled to the side of the bed. I needed to tell her, I sat up 

"Kira I've got another job, I've gotta leave tomorrow morning"

"Jace don't do it really, why don't you just leave, forget about me I'd only weigh you down."

"Kira stop, you know I'm not leaving you behind in this place Thats it don't bring it up again."

She sighed

"Where's it at?"

"Somewhere in America called Montana"

"Oh" she nodded and that was really it. We spent most the day just laying around we got some books in the room a while ago so we were reading part of the day too. 

Around eight I got up and started packing a small duffel bag. In it I put two pairs of clothes, my lock picking set not bother in latex gloves my fingers prints aren't in the system. I grabbed tolitress and was packed within a few minutes. I layed down and dozed off only to be awoken by Stradwick pounding on the door.

"Up boy I'm taking you to the airport."

I got  up making sure Kira was still asleep(she's a sound sleeper)

I grabbed a pair of darkwashed jeans and a grey shirt socks and my shoes. On the way Out I left a note for Kira giving her my cellphone number Stradwick had givin me yesterday and grabbed my duffel bag. As soon as I walked out the door though I grabbed Stradwick and threw him against the wall.

"If anyone and I mean anyone touches her, I swear I will come back and kill every last one of you" I growled.He Pushed me away and we walked towards the car.


Once at the airport I got to the termenal and was on my way to a pretty long flight. I looked out the window most of the way, finally I layed my head back for the rest of the trip though I wasn't planning on falling asleep.

The plan landed about four hours later and I stood up stretching just like many other. I grabbed my duffel bag and headed towards the exits to leave. I left the airpport and immediatly started looking for a hotel, I needed to make sure it was one that had a computer in the room. I needed to do some research I also need to find a library. After about three hours of walking and searching I finally found the perfect place. It was a hotel that offered computer in the rooms and it was only about a ten minute walk to a library. This was the town I was suppose to be in too atleast thats what Stradwick told me. I grabbed my room key and went directly up the stairs not looking at any of the nice things the hotel offered like pools or game rooms or anything of the sort. Once in my room I locked the door and threw my bag on the bed. The room was nice, blue walls white bed sheets, a large tv and a computer in the corner of the room. I walked into the bathroom and splashed water on my face and looked into the mirror. I had loose curly black hair that wasn't very long and blue eyes. I looked nothing like Kira and that I can remember I don't look anything like my mother or father. I wiped my face off and headed towards the computer to start my research.

After nearly two hours of searching I found a good amount of research and decided to head towards the library grabbing some food on the way. I was about a block away from the library and I had just picked up a taco from a place called taco bell. I didn't taste that bad truthfully. I was trying to see what all was in the taco meat considering it didn't really look like ground beef all the sudden I bumped into someone. I stumbled back and looked at who I bumped into. It was guy who was about two or three inches taller than me so about 6"2 maybe anyway. I realized that the taco I had been eating was now all over his shirt. 

"Sorry dude my bad" I brushed my self off about to apologize again when he looked up at me and started growling his eyes were black too. Shit the dude's a werewolf, I ran away from him I might have been able to fight him but I really don't want the trouble. I ran around the corner and headed to the library. Sudden this girl walked out, she look well amazing she had brown hair and green eyes. I walked by her but I caught a scent off her and it was the guy I had just bumped into bleh. I sighed and walked into the library looking for a book about different jewels, I'll probably need to start asking around town to see if anyone has an idea about where this jewel might be though I need to be careful and very subtle.


Thanks for reading, If you have any tips or ideas please feel free to let me know.

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