Harrison grabbed my shoulder, making me flinch.

"You're one damn good actor, November." He laughed, already sober.

I clenched my fists, getting the sudden urge to punch him in the face. Not just for Hazel, but for everything he has ever put me through. I decide against it though, my freedom a wiser choice.

I simply nod instead, stepping away from the trash can.

"I try." I say, forcing a smile.


Hazel POV

I suddenly feel cold, and jerk my feet forward, finding November's spot cold. I sit up and wipe my eyes from sleep, waking myself up.

Looking around the room slowly to let my eyes adjust, I realize November is gone. Panic fills my chest, but I calm myself with a few deep breaths. Shakily, I reach out and pry the covers from myself to pick my clothes up from the floor.

November should've woke me up if Harrison wanted him, but even him coming in the first place didn't seem right. I wanted to feel like I might just be overreacting, but I couldn't find myself doing that.

Pulling my shirt over my head, I finish dressing and walk over to my own cot, where I sit numbly on the edge. I clench my fists against my thighs, and take deep breaths. I'm just overreacting, that's all. My ears ring in the silence and I groan, wishing he would just come through the door already and I would know he was safe.

While I was waiting, I couldn't help but think back to last night. I felt myself blush and fell back onto my mattress, covering my eyes with my arms. I feel like I had matured in some way, but I was probably imagining it. It was impossible to put into words how much I cared about November, and loved.

Several times throughout the night, both of us woke up and kissed until we fell asleep from exhaustion again. I rubbed my temples with my fingers - losing the memory for the moment from my tiredness.

The click of the lock made me wide awake, and I jumped up - startled. Harrison peeked through, a smile plastered on his face like a painting. I gulped, feeling like my legs had started to turn to jelly.

"Come," He said sweetly. I felt bile ride in my throat, which threatened to be released, but I kept it down.

I made my way toward him carefully, afraid of what the good mood could mean. A thousand things came to mind, and one of them was November could have died. I almost burst into tears right as I exited the cellar at the thought, but knew I had to be strong. Harrison never took both of us out, which only put me on more edge.

I followed him down several corridors, finally ending up at a door I didn't recognize.

"Go on, open the door." He finished with a growl, making me shiver.

I reach for the knob, goosebumps appearing along my arms. My hands were shaking so bad it was hard to turn it and my heart beat so hard against my chest I thought it could burst. I shove it open and take a deep breath.

A long table sat in the middle, side by side with a white chair that held straps on the sides and the bottom. I gasp as I see November sitting with his face in his hands on a chair in the corner, darkness engulfing him.

"November-" I barely choke out the words when Harrison shoves me in, making me stumble forward. I regain my balance on the table, and force myself back up on my feet.

November looks up, his eyes filled with sadness. His hands tremble and he stares at me with such intensity I loose my breath.

"Hazel.." He whispers, barely audible to my ears.

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